Interior Design Trends From Around the World

Many homeowners struggle to choose the right décor for their homes. It is important to select
kitchen cabinets and an interior design that suit your home design. New design trends emerge
each year. Ethnic styles can reflect in various items and show in their design, from cards to
furniture and ornaments. In this article, we discuss eight interior design trends from all over
the world.

1. Grandmillennial Style

Most millennials prefer modern design trends. The Grandmillennial Style is a mixture of
retro-elements and modern-day décor. It incorporates inherited pieces, reclaimed furniture,
hand-me-downs, and used vintage pieces. You can add faux-pas items in a modern house to
transform it. Fringing, tassels, and foxed mirrors have been used in homes in the recent past.
Some people incorporate rattab furniture, modern pieces, scalloped furniture, and wild floral

2. Tranquil Hues

Tranquil Dawn is among the most popular interior décor color. It was released last year and it
makes us feel connected with the environment. You can combine it with various palettes and
steely greys.

3. Plaster Effect

Heavy metals and exposed brickwork were common in many homes last year. But,
homeowners are now shifting to sandy and textured walls that resemble raw plaster. Most
countries are discouraging people from using oil-based paints containing Volatile Organic
Compounds. You can decorate your home with limewash. It creates a chalky and textured

4. Arches

Instagram has thousands of photos of houses with arches. Besides, arches are appropriate for
hotels and restaurants. You can follow Dorothee Meilichzon on Instagram. She designed the
II Palazzo Experimental Hotel in Venice. It has an arcade-clad front desk and headboard
doors. Arches run throughout the hotel’s interior.

5. Global Influence

Interior design experts who travel across the world are influenced by different design trends
such as the Indian living rooms, French antiques, Australian landscaping, and Spanish
bathrooms. You can incorporate elements from different interior décor into your home.

6. Reeding

Reeding design suits furniture and walls. It brings texture and tactility to your décor. Studio
Duggan used this trend in chi case goods. It combined yellow and green while making the

Trove furniture collection. Beaverbrook Hotel and Le Barn in France have beautiful fluted
bar-fronts. The Bar at Beaverbrook Hotel has a gold-fluted bar that distracts clients from its

7. Deep Pile

Velvet was one of the hottest design trends in 2019. But, deep-pile textures have replaced it
this year. Homeowners are using boucle, sheepskin, mohair, and heavyweight wools to
decorate their houses. For example, the Natecru Collection has fleece-feel fabrics and
Natecru Wools II has chairs made of linen and Anais wool blends.

8. Decorative Joinery

Many people have been covering awkward spaces with custom-made storage for a long time.
Technology has led to the creation of new interior designs that help homeowners decorate
wardrobes and shelves. You can update your inbuilt-wardrobe with cane panels. Recessed
handles are ideal for huge bedrooms

Keeping up with the latest interior design trends is a challenge for many people. Interior
designing involves improving the interior of a home to create an aesthetic and healthy
environment for its occupants. The Grandmillennial Style, Tranquil Hues, Plaster Effect,
Global Influence, Arches, and Reeding are the best interior design trends from around the

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