Decorating a Small Bedroom

Decorating a Small Bedroom

Small bedrooms often end up as less gorgeous, less relaxing spaces that have little to no personality. They are kept plainly with almost no effort to make it stylish. In a lot of homes, small spare bedrooms end up as dumping grounds of clothes-drying racks, old fitness equipment or as dumping ground … Read more

Different Types of Headboards

Place a bed without a headboard against the wall and it would always look like something is missing. Headboards complete the bed and add style and depth to it without taking up too much space. Besides that, headboards provide a backing to the bed for relaxing to support your back when you … Read more

Decorating a Teenager’s Bedroom

For teenagers, their bedroom is their sacred place and sanctuary. A lot of teens spend most of their time in the bedroom while at home, only coming out once in a while to get some snacks and eat. It’s the place they can call their own as they begin to assert their … Read more

Decorating a Large Bedroom

A large, expansive bedroom is nothing to complain about – a lot of people only dream about having one. But if you are one of those people lucky enough to move to it, you might be challenged in decorating and furnishing it. The abundance of space may tempt you to fill it … Read more

Optimizing Bedroom Space

Making the most out of space in some areas of the house can be as simple as decluttering, throwing away old and broken items, or giving away furniture. But for some rooms like the bedroom, the most prominent piece of furniture (which is the bed) can be hard to work around. Sometimes, … Read more

Choosing the Right Bathroom Accessories

A lot of people don’t have the luxury to go for the bathroom designs they really want. Bathrooms are typically the places sacrificed when it comes to floor space, so accessories must be minimal. But even if they are few, accessories are the key elements that define the look, mood, and style … Read more

Canopy Bed Decorating Ideas

Canopy beds bring that cozy, romantic and elegant vibe that other types of beds cannot achieve. A good night’s sleep is ensured in a comfortable canopy bed, at the same time, making you feel like a princess. The cascading swaths of fabric from above the bed make a romantic and luxurious statement. … Read more

Ideas for Alternative Headboards

A beautiful, standard headboard can get expensive. If you want to fill in that awkward space above the bed that makes your room incomplete, there are a lot of alternative ideas that will cost less and make your bedroom extra pretty. Make a stylish sanctuary with these headboard alternatives: 1. Artwork Placing … Read more

Types of Bathroom Vanities

A bathroom vanity is a combination of sink or basin and the storage like cabinets and shelves that surrounds it. It’s a type of fixture for the bathroom that basically holds the sink and provides storage for bathroom items and supplies. Above it, a mirror or a mirrored cabinet is placed at … Read more

Different Types of Bath Soaps

Bathing and showering is a basic hygienic need. Since this is a daily or a regular routine, it is important to be mindful of the products you use for your skin. Soaps are made from fats and oils from animals and vegetables, which react with lye. These may come in traditional bar … Read more

The Charm of Having a Pink Bathroom

Do you love the color pink?  Your in good company, in 2016 the The Pantone Institute declared that pink quartz was the color of the year along with a soft blue with lavender shade they called Serenity a beautiful foamy blue color. We don’t often think of pink for decorating except perhaps in classic castles and palaces in France, or the 50s pink scene or 1920s style decor or a young girls room.

Pink is a color that is often associated with the feminine and considered soft delicate and ethereal. But the varying ranges of pink from a light nearly white hue to a more intense fuchsia give a strong palette to work with when decorating.  And you can use pink in an “adult” gender neutral manner that will look great and provide just the right touch for your bathroom.

Pink isn’t just a color, it’s an attitude! Miley Cyrus

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Maximizing the Use of Space in a Small Bathroom

The small spaces in our homes are always the most challenging part to decorate and make the most out of their square meters. In this article, we will talk about the bathroom: a place in the house where the fixtures usually occupy the most of the area. Sometimes, homeowners end up having … Read more

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