Yard and Perennial Flowers: Guide to Planting and Growing Peonies

Peonies are one of the famous and most loved perennial flowers. This is not a surprise since peonies have that timeless beauty and elegant fragrance. Aside from that, it is trouble-free in nature, which means it is easy to plant and maintain. Peonies can also thrive in almost any part of the United States. in fact, several peony varieties can even survive a zone 2 winter.

If a peony plant is placed in a well-situated location and it is kept happy, it can last and bloom for over 100 years, even if you give them little attention. This means that before you go and plant a peony plant, it is essential that you spend some time upfront and choose the right planting location. You should also make sure that you prepare the soil correctly. With that being said, we are going to talk about the things that you should know when it comes to planting and growing peonies.


Peonies want a sunny spot that has well-drained soil. An area that has good air circulation around the plant is also essential for them to grow and flourish properly. These conditions help the peonies to evade having some serious disease problems like botrytis. Botrytis a fungal disease that is present in most soils, and they usually infect a weak plant, and they thrive well if the weather is strangely cold and wet. Botrytis can also be passed on to other plants.

When to Plant Peonies

It is best to plant bare-root peonies in the fall before the first frost. This is the time that they’ll have a substantial chance of blooming the following spring. Take note that if you plant peonies during spring, they may not mature and bloom for about two years or more.

Where to Plant Peonies

Choosing the right place or spot to plant your peonies is one of the most important. If you place them in the wrong spot and soil, it will make deep roots transplanting for mature plants difficult or even impossible. Aside from receiving plenty amount of sunlight and being planted in nutrient-rich soil, you have to make sure that you plant your peonies in a location where you can also enjoy the view of its gorgeous flowers.

Herbaceous and intersectional plants like peonies should be planted in a location that receives at least five to six hours of full sun every day. But keep in mind that they also need some shade, too. This is because plants that produce single and anemone flower forms can even thrive further if they get afternoon sun protection. Aside from that, keep in mind that peonies hate it when their roots are standing in water. That is why you should plant them in a location that also has excellent drainage, such as a raised bed or a slope. Also, do not forget to give your peonies plenty of room to grow because they can grow up to five by five feet in ten years. Experts recommend that you plant your peonies far away from big shrubs and trees because they don’t like to have root competition.

Best Soil for Peonies

Some people successfully grow peonies in their native soil. However, experts recommend altering with organic matter before planting. Having the right soil preparation in the first place means that you won’t ever have to fertilize your soil in the first few years. Aside from that, make sure that your peonies are planted in a well-drained soil because they do not thrive well in soggy roots.

Can Peonies Grow in a Pot?

While peonies grow the happiest when they are planted in a well-planned garden, they can also be grown in pots if you want to give them proper care and attention. If you are going to plant them in a pot, we suggest that you place them in a large container that has several drainage holes. If you live in colder areas, you should bring your potted peony plants inside for the winter so that you can keep them away from freezing temperatures. Aside from that, you will also have to water them more frequently when they are in the growing season because containers and pots tend to dry out quickly.

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