Yard and Perennial Flowers: Different Types of Salvia

Salvias, or also known as sages, are one of the most adaptable plants in the world. Almost all of its varieties are amazingly drought-tolerant, and it blooms beautiful pleasantly scented flowers that have attractive foliage. Another advantage of this perennial flower is that bunnies, deer, and other typical garden pests ignore the plants. For you to successfully grow salvias in your garden, the first thing that you should know is which varieties are right for your yard. That is why in this article, we are going to list down the different types of salvia.

Blue Salvia – This type of salvia is popular with gardeners because it is straightforward to grow and maintain. They bloom all summer abundantly long, and it has a high tolerance to drought. Blu Salvias are native in areas located in North America, and it is one of the excellent choices for containers, borders, and beds. Blue salvias can grow up to two feet tall and one foot wide.

Black and Blue Salvia – This type of salvia is known to be a hummingbird magnet. It has purple to black stems and buds along with abundant cerulean blue flowers. They are quite easy to grow and maintain, you have to make sure that you are growing them in a sunny spot that has well-drained but moist soil. The blue and black salvia usually blossoms from midsummer to fall, and it can grow up to three feet tall and two feet wide. But if they are planted in places that have warmer areas, then you can expect this type of salvia to grow six feet tall and two feet wide.

Clary Sage – This type of salvia is a little bit different compared to other types because the flower or the color itself is the leafy bracts that may come in purple, pink, or white colors. These said bracts have the ability to dry-well, and they are also long-lasting. This is why this type of salvia makes an excellent cut flower and can be used in dried-flower crafts. However, keep in mind that this perennial flower needs well-drained soil in order to thrive well.

Culinary Sage – If you are planning to make your own herb garden, then the culinary sage should always be a part of it. This type of salvia has silver-gray leaves that have an alluring scent, and it also blooms spikes of lilac flowers every summer. Just like most types of salvias, the culinary sage grows well if they are under full sun, and they are planted in well-drained soil.

Cirrus Salvia – This type of salvia bears a beautiful selection of dainty and pure-white flowers every summer and autumn. Just like any kind of salvia, the cirrus salvia has silvery foliage, and it can adapt to different soil types. It can grow up to twenty inches tall and twelve inches wide.

Evolution Salvia – This salvia variety is so pretty that it even won an All-America Selections award because of its stunning deep purple flowers, which bloom from summer to fall. The evolution of salvia is considered to be more compact compared to other types of salvia, and it can yield more flower spikes. It can grow up to sixteen inches tall, and it can add color to your summer garden.

Mystic Spires Blue Salvia – This type of salvia is considered to be one of the most drought and heat tolerant annuals of all the salvia plants. It is called mystic spores because it blooms tall spikes of blue flowers all summer long. If you want to attract butterflies to your garden, then this is the perfect plant to lure them.

Lady in Red Salvia – This salvia variety is another All-America Selections awardee. This is because of its stunning vibrant red spikes that bloom all summer long. The lady in red salvia is loved by both hummingbirds and butterflies. Most gardeners like this salvia type because it only needs low-maintenance care for it to thrive, but it can add brilliant blooms to your garden.

Coral Nymph Salvia – This type of salvia has spikes of coral-pink flower that can bloom from summer to frost. You can typically find this type in areas that are located in South America because it can hold up to humid and hot weather conditions. However, it is not as drought tolerable compared to other salvias. The coral nymph salvia can attract hummingbirds and butterflies.

Kobalt Salvia – This type of salvia is closely related to the black and blue salvia variety. This is because they also bloom tall clusters of deep blue flowers, and the only difference I that they don’t have stems and black buds. If you are a gardener and you want a splash of blue color in your garden, then we suggest that you try planting and growing Kobalt salvia.

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