Yard and Garden Perennial Flowers: Growing and Taking Care of Azalea

Nothing is more pretty than seeing an azalea shrub during its spring bloom. Azaleas easy-care shrubs that come in different colors, which is why it is quite hard to stop yourself from choosing just one color. But it is a good thing to know that Azaleas can be quickly grown in nearly any garden. Despite having a reputation for being fastidious, you can build and take care of this spectacular shrubs effortlessly once you understand their basics needs. This is why in this article, we are going to give you a guide on how to grow and take care of Azaleas.

Selecting Your Azalea Varieties

Thanks to modern breeders, azaleas don’t just grow in southern and coastal gardens anymore. Almost anyone in the world enjoys the sight of beautiful azaleas. It all starts by selecting the right plants. That is why when it comes to choosing the azaleas that are perfect for your garden, you can keep these following criteria in mind:

 Growing zone – Keep in mind that flower buds on spring-blooming azaleas usually form long before winter starts. This is why if you live in a place where winters can get harsh, you have to choose the type that can withstand the winter temperatures because these are important to spring blooms.

Light conditions – Azaleas are considered to be shade plants. However, several varieties can tolerate direct sun; in fact, some even require it to thrive properly. If you live in northern climates, where the sun is less intense, azaleas often need more sun. This is why we suggest that you choose the types of azaleas that will fit the light condition of your garden for you to make sure that you get attractive leaves along with plentiful blooms.

Bloom time– Azaleas are known for being a springtime beauty. But keep in mind different varieties bloom in early, mid, and late. There are also reblooming types of azaleas that bloom in spring and again in fall. You can extend the exquisite, vivid, and colorful beauty of azaleas by planting different types that have different blooming times.

Proper Azalea Care

As we mentioned, growing and caring for azalea plants are easy. But there are some things that you should consider, especially when you are going to be adding them to the landscape. In order to keep your azaleas looking healthy, it is essential for you to remember that you choose the right location on where to plant it practice. Most azaleas actually look the most striking when they are planted alone.

Since the flower blooms are able to encompass the entire shrub, it is best if you place them behind of conifers, such as pines, or other acid-loving plants that can help the azaleas to develop their colors.

Best Soil for Azalea Plants Azaleas

Azaleas have shallow roots, which is why they need well-drained and acidic soil in order for them to grow correctly. If you happen to live in poorly drained areas, then we suggest that you should plant your azaleas in raised beds. Azaleas can also thrive well when they are planted in containers because it helps to alter the soil with compost in advance. For you to conserve water, discourage weeds, and maintain soil temperature, we suggest that you protect the azalea shrubs with pine straw or composted pine barks that you can replace yearly. Adding organic matter to the soil along with the right layering of mulch will give your azaleas sufficient nutrients; this way, you won’t have to do frequent fertilizing. However, if you notice that there are low amounts of nitrogen in the soil, you can start to apply fertilizer to help prevent a nutrient deficiency. It would be best if you fertilized your azaleas during late spring to early fall.

How to Trim Azaleas 

For you to maintain a compact appearance or encourage bushier growth, we suggest that you should trip your azaleas after their blooming period is done. Cutting back the branches of these shrubs can also help the plant to renew overgrown plants. Keeping your azaleas in a healthy condition during the growing season, along with good azalea care, will result in an abundance of beautiful blooms for several springs to come.

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