When to Determine It Is Time to Replace Your Water Heater

Silver Spring MD receives an average of 14 inches of snow every year. The CDP’s winter temperatures can be as low as -7 C. Residents may find it almost impossible to get through the winter without a functioning water heater. While water heaters come with life spans of around ten years, the appliance can sustain damages at any time.

Expert local plumbers in Silver Spring MD, can help you decide if it’s time to replace your water heater. Annual maintenance is a must-to-do step for each water heater. However, even regular annual maintenance may not be sufficient to keep your water heater functioning in some cases.

Assess the Water Heater’s Age Using the Serial Number

The date of manufacturing may not be listed as such in most of the water heaters. Instead, your plumber will look for a code indicating the water heater’s manufacturing date. For instance, specific serial numbers denote the month and year of manufacture.

The letter at the start of each number is usually code for the month. The first two numbers that follow the letter represent the last two digits of the year.

A Malfunctioning Water Heater

A water heater that malfunctions or stops functioning altogether may need immediate replacement. The cause for this malfunctioning may vary from faulty or substandard water heater components to wear and tear of the heater.

Rusting and Corrosion

Rusting is a visible sign indicating the need for water heater replacement. Rust can be visibly present in the water or on the tank surface.

Due to neglect, it can also spread to your pipes and cause severe damage to your plumbing system. Your local plumber may recommend immediate water heater replacement if your water heater is causing rust in your pipes.

Specific Noises

Cracking sounds and weary machine sounds should not be ignored and should be inspected by experienced plumbers in Silver Spring, MD. You may hear Rumbling noises when you turn the heater on.

The sound is usually caused by sediments that harden along the tank floor or accelerated damage due to over-usage, which corrodes the metal inside the water heater.

Insufficient Tank Size

If there is a drastic increase in your residential water heater usage, you may require a heater replacement. Replacement is especially vital if the tank size is too small for the volume of water consumed.

The increase in water usage may be due to an increase in residents, weather changes, or simply the need for additional hot water.

Rising Electric Bills

An old water heater may function inefficiently and result in rising electric bills. It is always advisable to replace old water heaters with the latest models available since newer models are more power-efficient.

Frequency of Repairs

You can decide if your water heater needs replacement by checking the history of repairs it went through. If the repairs are too frequent, then it would be best to replace the water heater.

Wrap Up

The signs mentioned above will help you decide if it is time to replace your water heater. Your local plumber can help you replace your old or faulty water heater with a new updated model.

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