What Procedures Do Orthodontists Perform?

Orthodontists utilize braces, retainers, bands, and other dental devices to modify the position of teeth in the mouth. They can help with various dental issues, including crooked teeth, bite problems such as an overbite or underbite. They also focus on teeth that are too close together, or teeth that are too far apart, and misalignment of the jaw. If you’re looking for teeth-straightening services or smile-enhancement, check out Pesh Orthodontics, Murrieta.  

Who Is An Orthodontist?

An orthodontist is a dental specialist trained to diagnose and treat tooth misalignment, crooked teeth, crowded teeth, and bite problems. The word “orthodontist” is derived from the Greek word “ortho” and “odons,” meaning straight and teeth, respectively. Initially, people suggested orthodontic treatments for teenagers and pre-teens. But with the advancement of technology, these treatments have proven to be effective at any age.  Contact the most trusted Orthodontist London if you need well-trained orthodontists to handle simple to advanced orthodontics procedures. 

Despite this, the American Medical Association recommends orthodontic treatments for those around seven years of age. The earlier the treatment begins, the earlier the problem is resolved. Children are still at a developmental stage, and their body is constantly evolving to change. Therefore, any treatment done at this stage will show quicker results. The body also manages to heal faster than an adult who might experience the side effects for longer. 

What Treatments Do Orthodontists Provide?

Orthodontics, a versatile and technologically advanced field of dentistry, offers both maxillofacial and cosmetic solutions. The orthodontists conduct diagnosis with the help of visual examination, X-rays, and bite impressions. Using fixed and removable dental devices, they can treat different teeth abnormalities such as bite problems, crooked teeth, crowded teeth, and misalignment.

Some conditions that orthodontists can treat include:

  1. Aesthetic problems

A single misaligned tooth can take away your beautiful smile. Orthodontists help in restructuring and reshaping lips and jaws to enhance your facial structure. This can be achieved by using braces. 

  1. Anteroposterior deviations

Anteroposterior deviations refer to the inconsistency between pairs of jaws. Examples include overbite or underbite. Overbite deviation where your upper teeth jut out over your lower teeth, while underbite deviation involves the opposite.

  1. Overcrowding

Overcrowding is a dental condition in which there is insufficient space in the jaw to stimulate the expected growth of adult teeth.

Some ways that orthodontists used to treat patients are:

  1. Fixed orthodontic braces

A ceramic or metal dental base is fastened to each tooth. A dental wire is placed through this base. An orthodontist adjusts the wire regularly to ensure that your teeth fall into place. Once they do, the orthodontist removes the braces entirely. 

  1. Removable appliances

Like other orthodontists, Pesh Orthodontists, Murrieta uses removable appliances such as headgear for correcting overbites. For fixing underbites, they opt for jawbone reforms or facial masks, thereby improving the position of the teeth.

  1. Invisalign

This is the latest in braces. Invisalign dental braces are transparent. So, hardly anyone can see if you are wearing dental braces. Though these braces function the same as traditional braces, they can be removed if you find it hard to eat properly.

How To Know If I Need To See An Orthodontist?

By the age of seven, you should call an orthodontist home. We recommend that patients contact an orthodontic specialist for early orthodontic therapy, such as interceptive treatment, braces, and aligners. Throughout their orthodontic treatment, patients should visit their dentist for frequent check-ups and cleanings since they play a critical role in maintaining good oral health.

Dentists and orthodontists will always collaborate to obtain the best possible results for you and your children. Although you do not need a recommendation from a dentist to see an orthodontist, it is a good idea to visit your family dentist for a check-up and have them refer to an orthodontist with whom they have a working connection.

You want to make sure your smile is in the best hands with a fully qualified orthodontics specialist. If you’re unhappy with the status of your teeth, an orthodontic treatment plan can help you regain confidence in your smile and live a happier, healthier life.

A qualified specialist orthodontist should give orthodontic treatment (including braces and clear aligners). Orthodontists have the knowledge and experience needed to appropriately identify orthodontic issues, assess and monitor tooth movement, and protect the health of your teeth.


Orthodontic treatment aims to enhance a patient’s dental condition, helping your teeth align to perfection. You only visited them when you were young, but today, you can benefit from their services no matter how old you are.

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