What Are Symptoms of Vascular Problems?

When we think of vascular problems, the first thing that comes to mind is the hardening and narrowing of the arteries. This is not always the case. Many different types of vascular diseases can affect your body’s blood flow. Symptoms vary from person to person, but you should be aware of some common signs and symptoms if you suspect a problem. Advanced heart and vascular of central New Jersey, a leading vascular treatment center in the area, can help you better understand what vascular problems are and how they can be treated or managed.

Vascular problems are a broad term for any problem with the veins or arteries. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, and they vary depending on which part of the vascular system is affected.

Signs And Symptoms To Look Out For

Vascular problems are when blood does not flow properly in the arteries. It means that there is a problem with how the arteries are working and can be due to other health problems, such as high cholesterol or diabetes.

It is a condition that can affect anyone, but those with a long family history of vascular disorders may be at higher risk of developing them.

The most common risk factors for vascular disorders are high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, and obesity. These can all increase the likelihood of developing a problem with your veins and arteries once you reach adulthood.

Some people have no symptoms whatsoever, while others develop all of these symptoms as soon as they reach adulthood or even earlier, like puberty or adolescence. Let us go through some of the common symptoms.

Swelling In The Legs, Feet, Or Hands

This symptom will vary depending on which part of the body is affected. The swelling experienced may not always be noticeable from a visual inspection, but it can be felt in the feet. You may have a feeling of fullness in the soles or around the ankles and toes.

Swelling can also affect your fingers and hands. There could be swelling at the base as well as in between each finger joint. The swelling may lead to an increase in pain if it’s severe enough. It is typically accompanied by a feeling of tightness or fullness when you touch that area.

Numbness In The Hands And Feet

Numbness that occurs with vascular problems can also vary depending on which part of the body is affected. For example, if you have a problem with your arteries, the blood flow to that area may be compromised, and the lack of circulation can lead to numbness. If it’s in the extremities, such as your fingers and toes, you may experience a lack of sensation or tingling sensations when touched.

Difficulty Breathing

This is one symptom that should not be taken lightly if it’s accompanied by other symptoms. The difficulty in breathing could indicate several different problems, including pulmonary embolism or heart failure.

A Feeling Of Heaviness In One Leg Or Arm

This may be due to the buildup of fluid in those parts, making them feel weighed down. Sometimes there’s also an increase in swelling for these areas too. The discomfort should not be ignored and could be a sign of something more serious.

Chest Pain

The pain can be a throbbing sensation, squeezing, or pressure-like feeling that may worsen with movement and position changes. Chest pain, persistent coughing spells, wheezing, and difficulty breathing can indicate lung problems related to vascular disease.

Heart Palpitations

The heart will beat more rapidly and inconsistently than it should, causing an awareness of your heartbeat throughout the day. It can be accompanied by chest pain or shortness of breath as well.

Shortness Of Breath

It can be a sign that there is an issue with your pulmonary system, but it could also indicate vascular issues. There may not always be one specific cause for shortness of breath, and it’s important to note the type and frequency before making any assumptions. If you’re experiencing this symptom often, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor.

Reddish Skin Spots That Are Warm To The Touch

Redness around your toes, fingertips, elbows, knees, and other parts of your body could indicate there’s an infection present. Particularly if you’ve recently injured the area or have been exposed to various substances, redness can indicate inflammation, leading to tissue damage in extreme cases. The skin may become warm to the touch as well, with some patches tending towards darker shades of red.

Excessive Sweating

If you notice your clothes wetting with sweat more than usual, chances are you have a vascular problem. It can also indicate you have a fever. It might be accompanied by feeling dizzy or light-headed. You will also feel short of breath, which could signify that your heart is not properly pumping blood to the rest of your body.


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