Top 10 Houseplants That Can Survive Low Light Conditions

If you live in an apartment or even a house in an urban region, chances are that you don’t get to experience nature on a daily basis. This is why many homeowners love to invest in houseplants. While they do require a bit of upkeep, houseplants are a great way to enhance the interior of any living space. They’d brighten up a home office, make your home stand out, and make the air cleaner.

While the benefits of house plants are apparent, their upkeep and requirements could be a roadblock for many homeowners. Some of the more delicate varieties might need a lot of light, so you’d have to keep shifting them from one window to another. Others might thrive better outside, so they’re no use as a houseplant. Luckily, there are several varieties of houseplants that can survive in low-light conditions. Below are ten choices that will be perfect for an apartment or anywhere indoors where you need some greenery:

1. Pothos

Also called the Devil’s Ivy, this is one of the best indoor plants that can survive in low light conditions. They have several shades of green and white in their leaves, which would look beautiful against rustic, light, and several other backgrounds. Many people prefer to set the pants in hanging pots or on table tops, with the solid green colors thriving in low light.

These plants have loads of trails that reach very long lengths. These look beautiful if placed just right, even if the plant is a little straggly at the top and stems. If you get some other variety and place it in low light, the leaves will usually change to solid dark green over time.

2. ZZ Plant

The ZZ here stands for Zamioculcas zamiifolia. It’s an ideal option for any plant owner who’s forgetful but still wants real plants in their home. ZZ plants will survive in low light, with only occasional watering. Since its growth is relatively slow, you wouldn’t need to worry about dividing or repotting it for several years.

This plant also has thick and glossy leaves, which usually go well with any type of interior. If you have an office to decorate, this plant is a favorite due to its positive response under fluorescent lights. The maximum height for the ZZ plants is sixteen to twenty eight inches, which usually serves well for interior decoration. For the best care, keep its leaves as free of dust as possible. All you need to do is wipe the leave periodically using a damp cloth.

3. Nerve Plant

Another name for this plant is fittonia. It has an attractive appearance and has small leaves. While it’s a native plant of Peru, you can probably find this species online or in your local nursery.

Since this is also a plant that doesn’t require much light, you can use this to decorate any corner of your home. The best part is probably the color variety you get here; the leaves are mostly green, but they do have streaks of light green, white, and even pink.

The nerve plant is quite a small option though, growing up to six inches or a foot at the most. You can place this in a small container or on the windowsill. It will also make a delightful addition to a terrarium.

If you place this plant in low light conditions, it won’t be too colorful. However, the leaves will still be thick and beautiful. It’s best to pinch back any new growth in order to ensure that the plants stay leafy and full.

4. Lucky Bamboo

Dracaena sanderiana, or the lucky bamboo, makes for a classy and unique addition to any home. You might have noticed some specimens in Asian restaurants, but it’s possible to grow them in your own space as well. These plants are a favorite among those who aren’t too fond of leafy growths. They’re sculptural in appearance and can have different shapes that serve as a conversation starter as well.

You can choose from a variety of these bamboos, including loops, braids, curls, and even hearts. The top of each stem has a few frilly leaves for an added aesthetic. Technically, this plant isn’t really a bamboo, but it’s very similar to the familiar straight stems. Plus, it’s a pliable option that we can grow in any shape or size. They grow slowly and thrive even in low light. Still, it’s best to take them out of the shade once in a while and let them have some time in the sun.

5. Snake Plant

This sansevieria species usually has long, sword-like bicolored leaves. It’s also been named the mother in law’s tongue. Whether we like the names or not, the plant itself is very easy to take care of and gives us several options to choose from. This species can come with wide and short or narrow and long leaves. There’s even one variety that has cylindrical, spiky leaves. There are also several colors to choose from, including green stripes, white yellow, and green with lighter splashes.

This is a low-light plant that really doesn’t require much care at all. In fact, it’s best not to water it too often. A little dryness is preferable in such cases.

6. Spider Plant

The spider pant, or chlorophytum comosum, is a spiky plant that will be very happy in low light conditions. It’s also known as the airplane plant due to the production of baby plants on the tops. You can also use these baby plants to make more spider plants–this will be a fun and easy gardening activity to do with the kids. Supplement this activity with growing vegetables in containers for an even more productive result.

You can make this a tabletop plant or put it in an urn for decorating hallways, bathrooms, and even dark rooms. They can also thrive at the base of any tall plant if you want a frilly effect there. If you notice any brown tips forming on the spider plant, snip them off with a pair of scissors and try to increase the humidity level in the atmosphere around them.

7. Ponytail Palm

The ponytail palm or beaucarnea recurvata is another sculptural option for those who don’t want to deal with too many leaves. It has a thickish trunk with a fat base and some strap-like leafy growth on top. This is also known as the elephant’s foot due to the unique shape of the trunk.

This plant comes in many sizes, which means you can choose the tiniest versions for your tabletops while the large versions can make a statement in floor pots. Since their base stores a decent amount of moisture, there’s no need to worry about missing a watering every now and then. This is a camel-like plant, which means that it can do without a drink for several weeks. Overwatering can be a problem, though, as this will turn the leaves yellow.

8. Arrowhead Plant

The syngonium podophyllum or the arrowhead plant gets its name from its large leaves. These have a beautiful arrow-like shape and are available in several color shades. We can get variegated green and white, just green, and even bronze options. When it’s small, this plant makes a pretty mound-like shape. When it grows larger, however, it develops vine-like trails. You can then use it as a cascading plant in hanging planters or have it winding up a trellis. For retaining the compact look, you can pinch the vines back as they start growing out.

This plant will do well in bedrooms, dens, and other darkish areas. The best options for these places are the all-green type or those with less color variegations.

9. Calathea

The calathea species have a bright attitude, which isn’t dampened by dark corners or low light conditions. The dark green leaves have a unique appearance with their silver highlights and scalloped edges. On the bottom, these leaves have a rich purple hue.

You can keep this plant on a tabletop or sideboard, but they can also work as floor pants once they reach the desired height. It’s a slow grower, so this might take some time if you purchase a small plant to begin with. Luckily, their care is very easy even for those with little experience.

10. Aglaonemas

This houseplant is also known as Ags or the Chinese Evergreen. It comes with two kinds of foliages, one dark and one light. The large and variegated leaves will go well with most types of interior decor. We can use this as a tabletop plant or put it in a pot on the floor if it’s a large specimen.

Since these plants are sturdy ones, they’re often used for commercial venues. They also come in several kinds of patterns, with some types even having pretty splashes of red and pink. Their width might match up with their heights at times, so make sure you have the space for that.

Overall, the Chinese Evergreen does well in low light, though you might want to get them more light to retain all the colors.


Many homes and offices might be short of natural and artificial light, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy houseplants in them. Choose from one or more of the varieties above to get all the benefits of houseplants, including the fresher air and their aesthetic. If you simply don’t want to do any upkeep at all, perhaps some artificial plants might be a more logical option. While they might not be as beneficial, they would certainly provide a lovely appearance to your home.


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