Things You Need to Check Before Buying a House

Buying a house is a big decision and should be taken seriously because, after all, you will be living there for the foreseeable future. However, with today’s economy being unstable, rising home costs, and home sellers pulling out of the market, you could say it’s rough out there in the market. If you’re lucky enough to find a house that suits you, then you might as well consider it.

But hold your horses now. Before you put down that deposit, there are things you should check first. Looks can be deceiving, so you should inspect every aspect of the house first. Failure to do so can lead to costly fixing costs and can even lead to being torn down to fix some issue. You don’t want that.

Of course, there are some flaws you can ignore, like misguided paint jobs or loose hinges, but there are also things you can’t overlook that can be red flags for you to back off from the deal. That said, the emphasis of inspecting your home should always be present. With that in mind, what are some red flags you shouldn’t ignore when buying a house? Here are some of them.


Roofs that are old but still very good-looking and strong are indications that they are well-maintained. That said, a well-maintained roof can last for a long time with an average of 30 years. Meanwhile, poor roofing with a shoddy installation with low-quality shingles can’t last for much longer and need to be fixed or replaced in just a short amount of time.

That said, ask your seller how old the roof is to determine the gauge quality of the roof. Also, check the gutters to ensure that the drainage system is still good and be on the lookout for dry rot caused by poor ventilation.

Of course, you can see these if there are cracks and missing shingles from the ground, but if you want to make sure the roof is fine, you can ask for professional help from an inspector. Not only that but if the seller has already inspected the house before they put it up on the market, you can ask to review it. Some states require sellers to have full disclosure about the home, including its documentation and issues.


Bad plumbing is a deal-breaker for most people, and with good reason. But how should you check it? You can look at the sinks, toilets, tubs, and even the shower to see if their condition is still fine and is in no need of fixing. Of course, if there’s mold, don’t buy the house. You have to ensure that the house has the right water pressure.

With that in mind, deal breakers are primarily issues with the sewer lines and the septic tank. Remember that some of the country’s sewer lines have not been updated for almost 100 years. You can also check the house’s plumbing, running the water in the bathroom and the kitchen, and flushing multiple times in the toilet.

By doing those, you can check if there are some leaks somewhere in the house and again to see if there’s enough water pressure. Also, you can ask the inspector to see the house’s water heater and the sewer.

Electrical System

It’s not uncommon for a house to require some fixing in its electrical system. In fact, this is commonplace for old houses. However, that doesn’t mean that you should buy them and ignore these faults. Fixing a faulty electrical system can cost a lot of money, so you shouldn’t ignore them completely. So what should you look for to see if there are any faults in the house’s electrical systems?

First, you can check the main fuse box to see if it’s still working correctly. Also, look for electrical wiring that doesn’t make sense and leads to nowhere. Not only are they hard to find, but they are also dangerous, so watch out.

You have to remember that rewiring an entire house can cost you at least 20 grand, so you have to check them thoroughly. Or you can ask the help of your inspector to see if the house needs rewiring or just a minor fixing.


Inspections are integral to the process of buying a house. You need to inspect a house to ensure that there are no issues with it or to see if it’s livable. If the seller won’t agree with an inspection and insists on avoiding it, then it’s a red flag right there. That’s an indication that the seller is not being honest about the whole transaction and is probably hiding significant issues within the house.

Luckily, there are online sites like Sundae that require a seller to have an inspection before they can sell it on their platform.

Final Thoughts

When buying a house, you should be inquisitive and curious about things. Never be afraid to ask questions about the house, and if you want to, you can even ask the neighbors about the house and the previous owners. And lastly, always inspect the house to ensure that you are getting the most out of the whole transaction.

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