The New Normal In Keeping Your Household Clean And Virus-Free

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought death and panic to the world. Most of us have been directly or indirectly affected by the crisis. We are learning to adjust to the new normal. The transmission of the virus can take place by coming in close contact with a symptomatic person. That’s the reason why most countries have imposed lockdowns to restrict and prevent the spread of the disease.

Moreover, the procedures followed in keeping the household clean and sanitized are critical to ensure the safety of your family. The Clean Home Guide provides cleaning tips and offers disinfectant products that are effective and safe.

This post provides you with ways of keeping your household clean and virus-free in the new normal situation. Read below for some tips.

1. Clean and Sanitize frequently used surfaces

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), USA recommends to clean and sanitize the frequently touched surfaces and objects thoroughly. These include tables, countertops, doorknobs, light switches, and cabinet handles using regular detergent and water. However, if the surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned before sanitizing. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has provided a list of approved disinfection products. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products.

Before using diluted household bleach solutions, the CDC recommends that one must be sure that the disinfectant is appropriate for the surface. CDC also recommends that the manufacturer’s instructions must be followed, and one should check that the product hasn’t expired. Also, don’t mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser. 

The CDC recommends some methods to create your bleach solution. For example, you can take one gallon of water and add five tablespoons of bleach. 

Spray the solution on surfaces and wipe them clean with a microfiber cloth or bar mop towel. Do this regularly to clean most of the frequently touched surfaces.

2. Washing hands regularly

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Washing hands should be done after coming from the bathroom, before eating, and after coughing and sneezing.  However, if soap and water aren’t available, a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol concentration can be used. 

3. Cleaning and disinfecting the bathroom

The bathroom and kitchen can be homes for the COVID-19 virus. That’s the reason why cleaning and disinfecting the area is a must. Here are some bathroom cleaning tips to consider:

  • Clean the toilet and washbasin thoroughly: Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 40-60 seconds before starting to clean. Then, wear disposable gloves and remove all items like soap, sponges, waste bins, and brushes to clean the area thoroughly.
  • Sweep or vacuum the bathroom to remove the surface dust: Take a hygienic or microfiber cloth and put disinfectant on it. Wipe the walls, floor, sink, toilet, and other surfaces with the cloth. Rinse the areas where bleach was applied and let them dry.
  • Use disinfectant gel and bleach to sanitize other items: Before the items are removed, it’s best to sanitize them with water and ammonia or disinfectant gel. Use the same bleach for door handles, shelves, and bathroom cupboards.
  • Wash bathroom towels at warm temperature: Fungi and bacteria can flourish on bathroom towels. To avoid infection with COVID-19 diseases, each member of the family should have their own towels. Towels must be washed at least twice a week at a temperature of 60 degrees. The viruses are inhibited by high-temperature washing.

4. Remove dirty clothes immediately

COVID-19 virus can survive on clothing surfaces but can be removed by normal washing. It’s best to wash items in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. If possible, use a warm water setting and dry items completely. 

Furthermore, the HCH management recommends that dirty clothes should be directly placed into the laundry hamper upon entering the home since the virus can survive on fabrics and porous surfaces. It’s also advised not to shake dirty laundry before washing to prevent self-contamination. 

5. Set-up a cleaning schedule

The cleaning frequency depends on the household members’ work and lifestyle. For instance, if you have someone who’s a healthcare provider or is working outside, intense preventive measures should be taken.

Once you’re ready with appropriate cleaning products, you can set up a cleaning schedule that works for your family. It’s recommended to do laundry and vacuuming at least two to three times a week. Disinfect mobile phones three to four times a day. This applies to other highly touched surfaces as well. The minimum schedule for cleaning surfaces is every six to eight hours. Nevertheless, the minimum frequency doesn’t work if multiple people touch the surfaces frequently. 

Bottom line:

The above tips on cleaning the common surfaces during the COVID-19 outbreak can save your family from diseases. Good housekeeping and sanitary procedures should always be followed, whether there’s a pandemic or not. In the new normal situation, extreme measures must be taken since the enemy can’t be seen. Of course, a healthy lifestyle and proper hygiene are essential to achieve a clean and virus-free home.

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