Should I Use a Uv Sterilizer in Aquarium?

The UV sterilizers filter water in ponds and aquariums to remove water column oxidizers, lower disease pathogens, and provide water clarity. There has been a heated debate of whether these devices are a must-have for an aquarium in the recent past. Most people have opposed the idea of having them at large. This has made it hard for aquarium owners to decide whether they need them on their setups or not. Fortunately, if you are among a few who have been involved in this heated debate, you are on the right platform. So, should I use a UV sterilizer in aquarium?

Should I Use a UV Sterilizer in Aquarium?

This is a controversial and challenging question at large. Few can state several benefits of these devices, and others may also have different opinions about it. So, should I use a UV sterilizer in aquarium?

This is an optional piece, and it is not necessarily you have it for preventive use in your aquarium. You can sometimes get one and find out that it doesn’t still control the aquarium parasites. Getting one is a controversial thing, and an individual should think about it seriously before making a decision.

The UV sterilizers are great devices if you experience a constant outbreak of parasites and diseases, cases of algal blooms, and if you have an improperly functioning tank. However, if you don’t experience all these, then spend the money on other projects. However, if you suspect your aquarium problems, you should invest in this device for your set up. They help to reduce free radical microorganisms that might create problems for the aquarium.

However, using these devices doesn’t guarantee immediate results. It will take a long period to see results. In case you need quick results, then consider the quarantine and other treatments to do this.

The Right Size of UV Sterilizer You Require

UV manufacturers design UV sterilizers of different sizes and shapes at large. UV sterilizers are designed of sizes ranging from 8 to 240-watt options. However, you can still find others with higher wattages at large; the higher options are employed in larger applications.

The size of the UV sterilizer you should get depends on your aquarium size. Typically, 10 watts UV sterilizer works best in 75 gallons of water; this is for saltwater application. On the other hand, the freshwater application requires 10 watts per 150 gallons of water. The wattage is, however, increased if you plan to employ it in a pond. For ponds, you will use 10 watts in every 1000 gallons. You can opt for a larger size to allow for turbidity of water and bio load.

The Flow Rate Through the UV Sterilizer

You have bought a UV sterilizer, now what next? How fast should you set your flow through it? This is an important thing to think about once you have gotten the right wattage UV sterilizer. The flow rate will determine the rate at which microorganisms will be depleted from your aquarium or pond.

If you consider a too-fast flow, they will slip over the UV sterilizer. A slow flow rate makes water to heat up more and brings about the bulb’s reduced shelf life. Manufactures always state the minimum flow rate; you should run the UV sterilizer. However, some expert users don’t recommend using the recommendations of manufacturers.

If the sterilizer seems to cause heat problems, it is recommended that you increase the flow of 50 GPH until you solve the entire heat issue. What is vital in this aspect is maintaining a maximum effective 50GPH flow rate. This way, you are assured of a UV sterilizer aquarium with a quick and high kill ratio.

Other manufacturers have resorted to making power pumps and submersible pumps with different flow rating selectors. These are more recommendable since they provide users the ability to adjust the flow rate. Ensure your pump rated something below the suggested flow rate. For instance, if 500 GPH is set as the maximum rate of flow, consider a 450 GPH option since this will allow you to make adjustments accordingly to get the right heat amounts.

How to Attach a UV Sterilizer to your Aquarium System

Today, you will find many UV sterilizers are designed inline units. You will require installing them on your pump return pump. There are few designed to hang on the power filters back. So, to set up this unit, you will go as per the manufacturer manual of use. Ensure you do as per the instructions so that the manufacturer will offer you help if something doesn’t work effectively as you needed it to work. After installing it, consider using the inline shutoff valves to maintain the device at large. They also enable users to detach everything when they need to clean the units.

Are Water Parameters Affected by the UV Sterilizers?

This is hard to answer questions at large. Properly installed units will help you to lower your water column organics. This affects KH indirectly. Properly installed sterilizers can affect the redox balance directly in a manner. This is through the reaction that occurs with the water column oxidants. This, in turn, brings down the oxidizing stressors to the inhabitants of the aquarium. The units also tend to lower antibiotic levels in water in the treatment process. The unit should be turned off during these times.


Should I use a UV sterilizer in aquarium? We have learned that these devices are optional to aquarium owners. However, they might turn into necessity devices whenever you often experience parasite and disease outbreaks in your red sea aquarium. They help to kill all microorganisms in your aquarium to make it a conducive for fishes.

So, before you decide to get it, ensure you want it for a much disturbing aquarium issue. Otherwise, if you don’t have any underlying issues with your aquarium, you can use your money for other important projects.

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