The Berkey Water Filter Review

Over a year ago we brought a Berkey water filter, and we have to say it’s quite possibly one of the best things we’ve ever brought.

We don’t do product placements per se – it’s just not our style, however with this item we’re making an exception…

As a big fan of preparedness and as someone who is very aware of the health-destroying toxins now present in our drinking water (Arsenic, Fluoride, Chlorine, hormones, cadmium, lead, to name but a few), we’d have to say that our Berkey water filter is one of the best investments we have ever made for our health and well being.

Not only does it clean the water, but it purifies it, too.

The water filter industry has a set standard of measurements that differentiate between what is ‘filtered’ water and what is ‘purified’ water.

A water filter, to meet this standard, must remove at least 99.99% of pathogenic bacteria.

The Berkey takes out over 99.9999% of pathogenic bacteria out of the water, making it a water purifier. A level that Berkey claim “To our knowledge no other water filtration device in the world can match”.

Emergency Preparedness
It’ll even allow you to turn rainwater, or even stagnant pond water into purified drinking water making it perfect for emergency preparedness situations.

A lot of people use these on camping and fishing trips because they can filter drinking water directly out of streams and rivers.

We use it to filter the tap water for everyday use, but we also know in an emergency event, if the water stops coming out of the tap, we have two 220 liter food-grade water butts in my back garden full of rainwater that we can use for making drinking water just by pouring it through the Berkey. This, of course, means that by owning one of these filters, we have successfully secured an alternative domestic water source – one of the most important prerequisites of disaster preparedness.

Review Video
We can go on about it all day, but if you’re really interested, take a look at the review video below,

If you want to see the full Berkey range go here.

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