Make your feet fit

If you are embarrassed and tired of your ugly toenails or smelly feet then you need to visit Gentle Foot Care.

If you have any issues relating to your feet then you need to see a foot doctor. Any slight symptoms or look on your feet should not be ignored and taken lightly before you work on it. We are certified and specialized in different treatments of any foot relating issues like

Bunions, sprains, injuries, infections, fungus nails, orthotics, wound care, smelly feet, braces, arthritis, and so on. Meanwhile, to contact an expert Podiatrist Leichhardt to address any sports injury issues, click the given link.

Bunions: this happens when the joints of your big toe get knocked out of place or get too big. And it is called hammer toe if your toe bends in a wrong way. These are the problems that affect the bones in your feet.

Sprains: this is a common leg injury, and it is common among athletes, it is advisable to treat it early before it starts swelling. Your podiatrist can also advise you on ways to avoid them.

Injuries: if you happen to fracture your leg or have a deep cut, then you need to see your foot doctor.

Infections: nail infections occur as a result of an ingrown toenail or a fungus which can be caused by a side of your nail not growing straight and instead grows into your toenails.

Fungus nails: when it comes to fungus nails, it is quite complicated because with time the nails might become thick and yellow the break away from the nail bed and this will cause germs and bacteria to start growing under it. However, in these cases, a nail fungus laser removal can be used to remove the fungus in the nail bed by penetrating the nail without damaging the nail or the skin around it, this treatment is quite easy and not painful.

Smelly feet: a smelly feet can be quite embarrassing , this is one of the reason why it has to be taken with utmost seriousness. Immediately you notice your feet get smelly, see a foot doctor as soon as possible before the smell gets worse and uncontrollable.

Arthritis: this is a very serious form of foot problem as it might even require surgery, this can be as a cause in a tear in your joints or swelling and inflammation. Asides surgery it can also be treated with physical therapy and drugs if its not that serious.

Orthotics: this is designed and installed to support, improve and straighten the feet.

Foot care is quite important when it comes to taking care of your feet as this aids your physical ability, this is why you should get your feet checked regularly and not till you start feeling pain, especially if you are diabetic.

There are modern technologies that diagnose and treat foot and ankle problems.

Regular foot care will help you remain active because foot problems can cause pain, discomfort and even infection. A podiatrist will help check your leg for swelling, blood flow, and any other form of deformity.

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