How to Prevent Summer Pests this Summer

Summer is finally here! Understandably, nearly every one of us is suffering from the pandemic blues, and we cannot wait to step outside of our homes and breathe in the good warm summer breeze. However, we are also prone to bump into unwanted visitors – the summer pests.

We have been there before – setting up an amazing picnic and going somewhere to pick up something, only to return to an invasion of ants. You might have also experienced an irritating evening out barbequing and fighting off mosquitoes at the same time.

You might have woken up one morning to see a spider dangling from the ceiling. Or, you were just about to do your laundry, and you bumped into a mouse peeping at you from the corner. While hoping that we didn’t scare you and ruined your fun summer vibes, you ought to know that you can get rid of pests by seeking the services of professional experts that deal with pest control.

However, before you call the experts for inspecting your home and getting rid of pests, there are certain measurements that you can do to keep the summer pests off the bay and minimize their entrance into your life. Read on to learn about how you can prevent summer pests from bugging you this summer.

Block All Entry Points

Your first defensive measurement is to make sure that all entry spots to your house are completely blocked. Firstly, assess your indoor and outdoor living spaces for any cracks and crevices. Also, screen your home, garden, backyard, basement, attic, underneath the stairs for holes and cracks that you could potentially host summer pests. Don’t forget to check around your doors and windows for cracks and gaps. You can also consider replacing broken windows and broken doors if you think they can not be fixed.

Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Like humans, summer pests, such as cockroaches, ants, and mice, look for food, and there is no better food source than your kitchen or garbage can. You might have experienced this before, that one night after dinner, you felt too tired to clean your kitchen counters and left a few bread crumbs or spilled juice on the kitchen slabs. The next day must have been a nightmare, witnessing an invasion of summer pests all-around your kitchen.

Summer pests are attracted to the uncovered treasures lying around in your kitchen. If you don’t want pests in your house, make sure to wipe the floor, clean and wipe the counter, and store food away properly by using storage containers and Ziploc bags. Lastly, don’t forget to take out the trash every day, as it is the focal point for most of the summer pests.

Eliminate all Sources of Stagnant Water

Some summer pests are lethal and the source of dangerous illnesses, such as mosquitoes that can cause malaria and dengue. If you don’t want to get ill and protect your loved ones from health risks, we recommend that you eliminate all sources of stagnant water, such as flower pots.

Getting rid of stagnant water is the first step of controlling the breed and cultivation of mosquitoes. We recommend that you check out your premises regularly to eliminate standing water. As the weather will grow warmer and the climate more humid, you will use your air conditioner more often than before, which is why it is essential to check for any water leaks near the AC unit.

Keep the Outdoors Separated From the Indoors

If you have garden toys, don’t allow the pet or kids to bring them in. What is for the outside to stay outside is the rule! If you have to bring in outside furniture, make sure to clean and wipe it properly before proceeding to bring it in.


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