How to Pick the Right Furnace for Your House

A good fire is essential in getting that comfort and warmth all year round. You will appreciate it even more in those tough winter months. That said, you don’t have to gather around potbelly stoves and fireplaces! You can invest in a good furnace or replace an existing one for better comfort and energy efficiency. Generally, a furnace is an integral part of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) designed to generate and distribute hot air within the desired area in your house.

However, there are various types of furnaces with unique capabilities. Because of this, it’s best to familiarize yourself with each one to find the right one. But how do you know to select the best furnace for your home? To answer this, here are some key factors to look into.

Energy efficiency

You do not want to blow money on fuel. A critical metric to consider when looking for a furnace is the annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE). The AFUE number shows how energy efficient the furnace is. A higher number means higher energy efficiency. Minding the efficiency will help you lower your monthly bill, and that is necessary, especially if you live in an area where the cold can last for many months. An additional way to ensure higher energy efficiency is insulating your walls, windows, and doors. You could also opt for one with a programmable thermostat that will help to reduce the amount of work your furnace does.

However, if you’re choosing the right furnace for the first time, it may be a good idea to consult a reliable heating and air conditioning company. Given their knowledge and expertise in the HVAC industry, they probably know which type of furnace comes with high energy efficiency. Aside from valuable advice, they can also provide installation and repair services, depending on your needs. Hence, if you haven’t found an HVAC company yet, you can check out websites like and other similar platforms to obtain more information.

Fuel source

Furnaces can either use gas, oil, or electricity. The kind of fuel a furnace uses impacts its daily usage. Every fuel source has different advantages and disadvantages. A gas furnace will save you on cost but will need a natural gas line. It can be hectic if you do not already have natural gas in your home.

Oil furnaces are great for people who lack connections to other utilities. They are also excellent for places facing harsh winter conditions. If you have identified that this best furnace option for your needs, you can get it installed by a heating system expert. You can also get a price quote online now to order heating oil. Make sure you order from reputable vendors for top-quality heating oil.

On the flip side, electric furnaces are the most regular ones since most homes have a connection to the local power. They are, however, not the most economical. Using an electric furnace can make your power bill skyrocket. It is important to select the one that fits your lifestyle best.


Furnaces come in different sizes. If you select a furnace that is too small, you will not heat your entire house well. If you go for one that is too big, you may end up wasting money generating heat that you do not need. An adequately sized furnace will provide adequate heating without causing wastage. To establish the best capacity for your home, you need to match the heat output to the size of your home. We measure the heat output in British Thermal Units (BTU).

Consider having about 30-60 BTUs per square foot of living space. Other additional factors that dictate how much heat capacity you need are ceiling height, the number of windows, climate conditions in your area, and insulation.


Furnaces blow dust into the air when in use. That could potentially ruin the air quality in your home. It is even a more serious concern if a member of your household has allergies, asthma, or any other lung issues. You could go for a furnace with an electrostatic filter to trap any dust particles. A heating system with an integrated filtration system will help to reduce the dust released into the atmosphere.


It’s also crucial to consider the warranty when looking for the right furnace for your house. Generally, your furnace warranty differs depending on the HVAC company you hire and the manufacturer responsible for the product. Thus, if you want to get the most out of your new furnace, you must choose the ones with a long-term warranty. However, furnaces with long-term warranties tend to be more efficient and expensive.

That said, you have to choose the right furnace carefully. Conduct thorough research of your prospective products and ask about the warranty. By doing so, you can rest in knowing your furnace will have extended protection against malfunctions and other technical problems.

Final Remarks

Do not wait for the wintertime cold to scramble to replace your furnace or purchase a new one. Get one in good time when you have the chance to choose wisely and land on a good deal without the rush. But if you don’t know where and how to start, keep the information mentioned above in mind, and you’re good to do. Doing so can give you a good idea of what type of furnace will suit your house.


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