How Medical Marijuana is Being Used to Help Treat Crohn’s Disease

A few years ago, the only people who knew about marijuana were those who smoked it or grew it. Now, we know that the cannabinoid compounds in cannabis can be used to ease symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Patients searching for medical marijuana cards can check out Ohio Green Team – Medical Marijuana Doctors & Recommendations.

There is not much research into how well cannabis helps with pain and inflammation in people with Crohn’s disease, but other studies have revealed some success. One study showed that individuals with IBD had an increased reduction in gut permeability and improved symptoms of fatigue after just one month of cannabis use.

Understanding Crohn’s Disease

It is necessary to learn more about how Crohn’s disease works to understand how cannabis may help reduce symptoms of the condition. Inflammation is a natural immune response that allows the body to detect and prevent infections and heal wounds. However, in some cases, this can cause severe symptoms that can be debilitating without treatment. In Crohn’s disease, inflammation of the digestive tract causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Several factors could contribute to the onset of Crohn’s disease. Stress, diet, genetics, and smoking are all known to be possible triggers for the disease to develop. Studies have shown that smoking can increase the severity of symptoms in those with Crohn’s disease. It is also possible to have a genetic predisposition that increases your chances of developing the disorder.

Those who have Crohn’s disease may find different treatments work better for them than others. Due to the intense pain and discomfort brought by this disorder, many patients turn to over-the-counter medications or prescription pain drugs. Since some of these treatments can have serious side effects, medicinal marijuana could be a worthy alternative.

Studies on the Use of Medical Marijuana to Treat Crohn’s

A 2017 study found subjects had significant reductions in clinical symptoms after smoking marijuana. The study concluded that THC and CBD have potential therapeutic value and should continue to be investigated. One possible explanation for this is the effect cannabinoids have on the immune system. The cannabis plant contains over 100 different cannabinoids, some of which are psychoactive (the ones that get you high), but many of them aren’t. Some cannabis strains even contain zero THC but are still medicinal because they have other cannabinoids like CBD, which is non-psychoactive.

Recently, researchers from the Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco and the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute used innovative technology to figure out how cannabinoid compounds can relieve pain. Using advanced imaging techniques to track blood flow in tissue showed that cannabinoids directly affect starving nerve cells in critical areas, such as the gut. The study’s findings were published in the journal Diabetes Care.

Crohn’s disease is an autoimmune disease, which means that the body’s immune system turns against its own cells. Crohn’s can cause intense stomach and intestinal inflammation and damage to the lining of the GI tract, leading to impaired absorption of nutrients. In extreme cases, Crohn’s can cause fistula (an abnormal passage between the intestine and another part of the body) and abscess (a collection of pus in an area).

Crohn’s Treatment Side Effects

Crohn’s disease is not a terminal condition, and with treatment, most people can live healthy lives. Sometimes though, the medications used to treat Crohn’s can cause severe side effects. Because of this, many people who have Crohn’s are interested in alternative treatment options such as medical marijuana.

Crohn’s is a very complex disease that has no known cure. Many patients have found that medical marijuana can be an excellent treatment option for reducing inflammation and pain caused by their condition. To get a medical marijuana card in most states, you need to be referred by your primary physician and obtain a cannabis recommendation.

Marijuana Strains and Crohn’s Treatment

CBD-rich cannabis strains are the most potent type of medical marijuana. Medical marijuana use has multiplied over the years, with numerous hospitals, nursing homes, and hospice care facilities embracing it.

In the last couple of years, more states have passed laws to permit its use and fund research into its benefits. Several studies have shown that marijuana is not only beneficial in controlling nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite but can also help improve disease symptoms, making it easier for patients to accept treatment. Marijuana inhibits the vomiting reflex in patients with nausea by activating cannabinoid receptors in the brain stem.


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