How A Digital Growth Agency Can Help Increase Your Revenue

There are a lot of digital marketing agencies that you can find by doing a quick Google search; some are big, while some are small. There are digital marketing agencies that are generalists while some focus on specific niches, social media marketing, video marketing, content creation, and paid ads among others. Still, some will accept any client doing business in any industry while others prefer to focus on a specific market.

Since the market is already oversaturated with digital agencies that don’t have enough experience to backup their claims, it’s almost an impossible task for small businesses to know how to find the perfect partner that will help them achieve growth. So, how do you find the best digital growth agency? You should start by asking questions. If you need SEO you can hire a SEO professinal from Singapore Agency.

The Challenges of Digital Marketing

A common challenge among anyone in the industry is knowing how to start making a proper digital marketing plan. Most people are afraid that they need to make an exhaustive report, but making a lean plan also leads to good results.

Your plan that contains your growth targets should not be a huge report. Instead, a strategy can be summed up in two to three pages of A4 in a diagram linking your online marketing strategies to objectives.

Does Your Digital Marketing Agency Produce Growth?

These are some of the most important questions that you need to answer if you want to see if your current digital marketing agency is enabling you to get more customers now:

  • Have you agreed on specific revenue targets or return on investment for all of your marketing strategies?
  • What are the lead generation and revenue goals related to your campaigns?
  • What targets were set for sales-qualified leads (SQLs), marketing-qualified leads (MQLs), and chances for sales to work?
  • When you started working with your digital marketing agency, did you set any expectations for your engagement like reporting, adjustments for strategies based on evolving priorities, flow of communication, and service level agreements concerning sales handoff and lead quality?
  • Is your digital marketing agency keeping up its commitment to help drive your growth?

The last question is the one that matters the most since if your answer is no, then you should stop doing business with them. So, if you want to work with a digital marketing agency, growth should be your priority. You need an agency that has a proven track record of delivering results and driving growth like Ardor SEO. Start your journey to success by visiting

Switching To A Digital Growth Agency

Once you’ve decided to move on, you need to start looking for one that can drive growth. Partnering with a digital growth agency is a good strategic move for your business as their main goal is to help your business grow both digitally and financially.

But you need to find one that fits your goals. What do you want to accomplish after a year by setting sales and marketing goals? An experienced and reputable agency will ask this question right at the first meeting that you have with them. Meanwhile, an ad focused agency will talk to you about social media and the current state of your pages, the influencers that you’ve worked with, and your audience. A digital growth agency, on the other hand, focuses on your business’ revenue.

Aside from setting your revenue goals for the year, growth agencies will also look at your past data to find how much sales operations, SQLs, MQLs, and organic traffic needs to be generated to hit your targets. They will also look at different tactics such as white hat SEO that can positively affect your growth, and they don’t focus on a single strategy.

Other Things That You Should Consider In An Online Growth Agency

You need to read the case studies that the agency has done in the past to help their client’s business grow. Are these goals similar to the ones you want to achieve? Some people would recommend that you should look for an agency that has extensive experience in your industry, but it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll also have the same results as every business is unique.

There’s also a chance that you’ll achieve positive results even if the strategies employed were pulled from the campaign of a business that’s in a completely different industry. It’s better to work with an agency that caters to a wide variety of businesses. They’re used to dealing with unique roadblocks that hinder their clients’ success.

Find out if the agency you want to partner with employs the latest SEO best practices. Do they have certifications, ongoing training, and knowledge about the recent changes Google made about their search algorithms? How many certifications do their consultants have on average? Are the people working on your account certified by Google, HubSpot, Moz, or SEMrush?

Moreover, check if the digital agency follows the principles that they claim to adhere to. Are their clients as important as seriously their marketing? Are they getting good results from their marketing campaigns? The digital agency that you should work with should test out new ideas, platforms, and campaigns on their website and prove if they add more value instead of making their customers their lab rats. You shouldn’t pay to be a test subject!


When you’re choosing a digital growth agency, making the final decision is so difficult that it can come down to relying on gut feel most of the time. But if you already know the things that you need to look for to determine if the agency can help drive growth for your business, it gets a lot easier. Digital agencies who are focused on growth have one thing in common: they want to help their clients grow.

They can relate to your business’ lack of growth and the challenges that you’re facing. They will also listen to your suggestions on how to grow your business more sustainably. Good agencies also recognize your effort to accept that you need to make some changes. Most importantly, they are willing to be with you on the whole journey to achieve your growth targets, no matter how long it takes.

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