Guide to roof windows 

Do you think windows are only for walls? If you are looking for a different way to have more light and air into your rooftop room, then the solution is roof windows. Roof windows are known as skylights because through these roof windows sunlight came till the sun shines and spreads the lights in the whole room.

Roof windows are great things to have natural light on the top floor of your house. If you want to use your attics as a living space, then you must need attic windows in your attics. You need a good attic ladder for accessing the attic safely. Here’s the best guide on buying best attic ladders for money. Therefore, roof windows are very important to allow sunlight into the area of your room.

Roof windows are mainly installed between the tiles of a pitched roof and horizontally positioned. There are many kinds of roof windows to choose, but how you will choose the perfect one for your need? Here a guideline for choosing the ideal roof windows.

  • Roof type: The type of roof windows depends on the property of your roof. For all kinds of pitched roofs, there are specific types of roof windows. Flat roofs need that window which has been specifically featured for flat roof surface. Again for the horizontal roof, there are other types of roof windows. The best example of pitched roof windows is “The VELUX GGU 0070”.

  • Positioning: Positioning is a big deal while setting roof windows. Because how you will position it the sunlight will come depending on it. Again electrics or ventilation or beams are some big issues can while installing roof windows. Usually, the south-facing side is best for roof windows because on that side sunlight comes more, and this can keep your room warm during winter. If you want to enjoy the morning sunlight and the sunlight after the afternoon, then east facing position is best to set roof windows. Another important thing is the higher you will fit the window; the more sunlight will enter into your room.

  • Durability: Roof windows are a source of natural sunlight and air. So durability is an important thing as we set it in different positions. Windows durability will not be the same on the sun-facing side and the opposite side. So while buying roof windows buy the durable one considering your window’s placement.

  • Functionality: Two types of roof windows are there, such as the windows which open electrically and windows that opens manually. The roof of manually operated are common and reasonable also, and its access is very easy and unrestricted.

On the other hand, electrical windows may offer to control windows, but it is expensive too. These windows are safe for dangerous situations where access is challenging.

  • Shape: Roof windows have many varieties of shapes and sizes. This includes domed, flat, pyramid and arched. The windows shape depends on your desired access, how much ventilation you need, and you want to use the room for what. While installing roof windows, you should consider these 3- things. Sun tunnel is an alternative way to the traditional roof window.

  • Glazing: There are many glazing options to improve your roof’s windows performance. ‘Triple grazing’ is a very common one that can reduce the amount of heat if needed. Noise-reducing glazing is another type of glazing for the people of the urban area. This has extra strength which is paired with the grazing of laminated on the inner pane.

  • Safety: We should always think about our safety first. For roof windows, safety depends on where you have positioned it. The proper installation of a roof window should make sure that the manufacture remains safe. Velux roof windows provide inner panes of laminated which save the glass from falling.

So these were some important general guidelines for roof windows. While installing roof windows, try to follow those instructions. Always try to maintain feature’s every specific instruction to ensure safety.

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