Greenhouse Ideas: Why the Irish Gardener Loves His Greenhouse

What’s that one thing that is special about the Irish gardener? True love for gardening. You’ll know this to be true if you have lived in Ireland. But you wouldn’t need much convincing if you were to come to visit.

If you are in need of garden greenhouses, it pays if you take hints from the Irish gardener. They take serious care of theirs, and you can expect this from people who are passionate about what they plant in their farms and backyard.

What is the Greenhouse?

If you are new to gardening, you may not be familiar with the greenhouse process. And may already be aware of the term from its relationship with environmental gases.

As it relates to gardening, a greenhouse is a building usually erected with glass to trap in the heat for cultivating certain weather-sensitive plants. The climatic conditions inside the structure are regulated as the sun bashes against it. You will also have to check all other requirements to ensure the healthy growth of the plant is met, and this includes regular watering, weeding, and other necessary gardening rituals.

Green House Ideas from an Irish Gardener

The first thing you want to settle in is space. Where do you want to have the structure erected? And it helps if you have enough available in your yard. What will you be planting, and who will be tendering to the crops as they grow? These are some of the questions you want to answer when planning for a greenhouse.


This is where most of the work is required. There will have to be a design for the structure you want to erect. And it doesn’t have to be done by an architect. You can have a rough sketch draw on a piece of paper and have your contractor’s help with the construction.

You could also do it yourself if you have building skills. It’s like building a shed, only a little/lot bigger with different materials. The link here has suggestions on setting up a greenhouse yourself.


What exactly is your aim with gardening, and how much space do you have? Again crucial factors you want to consider to help you settle on an appropriate greenhouse. Larger ones are considered best since they provide an extensive area to work with and are ideal for commercial gardening. You could also have a shed-like structure in place if you want something to serve your household.

Material Choice

What do you want to use in the construction? This is also something you want to ponder on. And there are options to choose from. The best options include wood, glass, PVC, concrete, fiber-reinforced plastic, polycarbonate, and plastic. You’ll have to work with an expert to find the best option for you, so check with professional greenhouse contractors in the area if you are not good with building construction.

What to Plant?

A flowering or vegetable plant is most likely the most common that are sensitive to the weather. There are many options available, and you can decide to grow any of the few leafy greens you use at home or have an expanse for meeting market demands. When it comes to the plants that are appropriate for a greenhouse, some of the ideal ones include

  • Ginseng
  • Mushroom
  • Herbs
  • Leafy greens
  • Bamboo
  • Peppers
  • Cucumber
  • Tomatoes
  • Citrus
  • Chilies
  • Cilantro

There are many others available to choose from, and you can check this website for more options available to you.


After deciding on the area, materials, and size of the structure, you want to settle on a building style, and you can expect that there are different ones to choose from. If you are working with a contractor, they can help decide which is best based on the available space and other criteria.

Final Thoughts

Weather conditions are equally worth looking into when sitting in a greenhouse. Light plastic on the roof isn’t ideal for winter weather as the snow can weigh down on the structure. It is also best to monitor the heat levels in the space, which is why you want to have all the right gear installed to encourage the plant’s healthy growth.

Lastly, you want to hire the best contractor to help out with the construction so the structure can be reliable even in adverse weather.

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