Easy Steps Towards Turning Your Dusty Garage into an Exciting Space for Gaming

In most suburban neighbourhoods, having a garage is extremely commonplace. The majority of people recognize it as a place for cars, but other homeowners tend to use it as a dump-all storage locker for all those unwanted items that didn’t quite make it to the trash. Either way, the garage is a room in most houses that doesn’t quite receive all the attention it deserves.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to make your garage into something great but didn’t know where to start. Whether it’s in immaculate shape or dusty and unorganized, let’s take a look at how you can transform the space into an exciting room for gaming that everyone will be envious of!

Step 1: Declutter/ Clean your space

First things first, deep cleaning. Because your garage has most likely been neglected in some way or another, you’ll want to first start out on the great adventure of making it look spick and span. As the space is a place for cars, there are most likely gas spills or chemicals that could be scrubbed off the floors before beginning your transformation. Depending on the amount of things in your garage, you may or may not need to donate items or give stuff away to make room for the new materials. All of this will probably take a good amount of elbow grease but the end result of a shiny, clean garage will be well worth it.

Out with the garage supplies and in with the gaming supplies! Create a specific area to store your tools that won’t interfere with your new items

Step 2: Have a Vision and Make a Plan

Much like an architect that has just begun designing a new project, you hold the vision of everything that you want your games room to be. Aesthetic factors such as paint color, decorations, and style are all things you can decide on as you set out to create this entirely new space which will soon become a welcome addition to your home. However, even more important than which pictures you choose to hang on the walls is considering which games you will fill your renovated space with.

Is this going to be a strict board game territory or a rather more serious gaming space that requires concentration and limited distractions? If you’re going to be hosting strategic games like poker or chess, it’s also helpful if you really know your stuff before competing. If you like poker, make sure to check out the best poker chips review. With these games especially, practicing online for free or even adopting a strategy in advance can make all the difference. Once you’ve brushed up on your knowledge of the game, you’ll be better equipped to get the most out of the space. Comfortable seating is always important as even a pool table requires multiple players who would need to rest during breaks. Use an old-fashioned pencil and paper method to draw up your dream games room, taking into account types of games and accessories that will make the space worthwhile.

Step 3: Add in Your Equipment or Purchase New Items

Once you’ve nailed down your vision, filling the space is easy. Perhaps household items that you already own can be used in your new gaming space; recyclable items like lamps or even Christmas lights can add ambient lighting and create an inviting atmosphere for your guests. Depending on the state of your floors, rugs or lay down carpet can help the place to feel like another room in the house rather than an actual garage. Purchasing storage materials like cabinets, bins, and shelves can help to maintain a decluttered space, especially after all the work that went into making it clean.

For the actual gaming material, most of it will need to be bought. Depending on the size of your garage, you can purchase a few items like foosball and pool tables whilst leaving the rest of the space empty for seating and walking space. Even incorporating a small mini bar or fridge is a great addition that will keep your friends coming back again and again.

It’s important to take into account size before purchasing bigger items that may not leave space for other activities

Step 4: Invite Friends Over to Join in the Fun!

The most important part, and the reason that you embarked on this journey in the first place, is sharing it with the people closest to you. The house is not a home without great company, and the same goes for your garage games room. After you’ve finished all your renovations, hosting games nights with your family and friends will become the absolute highlight of your week.

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