Different Types of Bed Mattresses

Getting a good night’s sleep is always a big priority. After a long day of work and dealing with kids, a perfectly comfy mattress can be a luxury. If yours is already causing you to toss and turn, back pain, etc. then today might be the perfect time to look for a new one.

There are many types of mattresses available in the market today. There is no perfect type of bed mattress because it all depends on your preferences, but here we will list some of the most common ones, together with their pros and cons:

1. Innerspring Mattress

Innerspring mattresses may remind you of your childhood when you liked to jump on a squeaky bed – and bounce around. It’s one of the oldest and most common mattress types. The mattresses were first introduced during the 19th century and they are still going strong.

This type of mattress uses a steel coil support system and is made up of a box spring base, the springs, and the padding layers. As per aireloom mattress reviews consumer reports, generally, the higher the number of coils, the more comfortable the bed will be. The topmost padding that provides the softness is typically made of latex, memory foam or quilting.

Pros: Because of its popularity and age, innerspring mattresses are easy to find and is available at almost all furniture and mattress shops. You can find a wide variety of firmness options according to your preferences. Generally, it’s also more affordable than other mattress types. Plus it doesn’t retain heat as much as some foam mattresses that can make sleeping hotter.

Cons: When it comes to quality, you really get what you pay and opting for cheaper innerspring beds may make you need a replacement after just a few years. Innerspring beds tend to wear more quickly than other mattresses, with an average lifespan of 5 to 7 years. As it wears, the springs lose support, causing the squeaky noises. The padding also tends to compress with time, until you can feel the coils in your back. Most are typically one-sided – most models cannot be flipped. Also, it has poor control over motion transfer, meaning, it doesn’t keep your movement from disturbing your partner.

2. Latex mattress

First introduced during the 1960s, latex mattresses are created using durable and resilient mattress materials. When it was launched, it was too expensive for the average sleeper, but due to technological advancements, latex has become more affordable. It makes use of latex foam as the upholstery layers or as support core, while pure latex mattresses use latex for both layers. The material can be made up of natural or synthetic rubber materials.

There are two primary types of the manufacturing process for latex, the Dunlop and the Talalay process. During the Dunlop process, a thick rubber sap is whipped into froth after being extracted from trees. The sap is molded and steam baked, making the product firmer and more durable. Meanwhile, the Talalay process includes two additional steps that give the latex a more consistent structure and makes it more breathable and soft.

Pros: Generally, latex mattresses are firm, soft and bouncy. These mattresses can last up to 15 years or more. Latex also supports your back with natural contouring abilities.

Cons: Latex mattresses tend to be pricier than other types. An all-natural latex mattress is also hard to find, as only a few brands offer 100% natural latex beds. Also, if you don’t like how firm mattresses feel, latex might not be the mattress you’re looking for.

3. Memory foam mattress

Also known as viscoelastic foam, the memory foam mattress was the brainchild of the engineers and designers at NASA. That wasn’t their initial intent. The basic technology of the viscoelastic foam was developed to improve cushioning material for seats and to provide protection from crash and take-offs for astronauts and pilots. Their invention was successful and it has proved to be applicable to other commercial products, including mattresses.

Memory foam is made up of a high-density polyurethane foam that can be used as a support system or upholstery layer, or both. It is available in different formulations: standard, plant-based, and gel-infused. It offers superb support as it can conform to the shape of the sleeper.

Pros: If you’re the type of person who enjoys sinking into a comfortable bed and being cradled to sleep, you will love the memory foam mattress. It distributes your weight evenly over the surface, reducing pressure points caused by heavier body parts like shoulders and hips. It also helps in pain relief and prevention and encourages proper spine alignment. In short, it’s the epitome of comfort. Also, it is resistant to bacteria, molds, dust mites and bed bugs. Because it absorbs movement, it reduced motion transfer and minimized disturbing your partner. Another plus is it lasts for about 10 to 20 years. Also, tv bed is one of the best options that make your home more attractive and luxurious.

Cons: Memory foam is relatively expensive and the foam can absorb body heat. Some also emit chemical type odors initially, but that eventually dissipates. In addition, newer gel and plant-based memory foams reduce the chemical smell.

4. Hybrid mattress

Hybrid mattresses are called hybrid because it combines two or more different materials such as the steel coil support system along with other types of foam such as latex, polyurethane or memory (viscoelastic). This type of mattress retains the bounciness and structure of an innerspring type mattress while providing the softness and other benefits of a more advanced type of foam.

The hybrid mattress is a great choice for those who want the feel of a memory foam mattress, but can’t afford one. It gives a great choice for budget-conscious buyers who are looking for the most comfortable beds they can afford.

Pros: Hybrid mattresses give excellent support and comfort to the body as the foam and springs provide it in different ways. It has a great contour ability, better than innerspring mattresses, and creates an enjoyable feel. It also reduces motion transfer caused by turning and tossing.

Cons: The primary negative is the coils will wear out over time as with traditional innerspring mattresses.

5. Airbeds

Airbeds have become popular with their ability to blow to different firmness levels based on the comfort of the sleeper. Air mattresses look like innerspring mattresses, but instead of coils and springs, they have air-filled chambers. The topmost layer is made up of latex, polyurethane or memory foam.

Pros: If you have a partner and you have different preferences on the firmness of a bed, then each side can be adjusted. Controlling these comfort and firmness levels on each side of the bed can be great for addressing backaches and other areas of sleeping discomfort. These mattresses tend to be very durable since the tension and support are based on air.

Cons: The primary cons are the time to assemble the bed, potentially having to replace the air pump, etc. It’s a more complex bed.

6. Waterbeds

Innerspring mattresses are old, but you might not know that waterbeds are actually older. They have been used since the early 1800s and were designed to help in overcoming painful bedsores. Waterbeds are called as such because it uses a water chamber as the support system.

Waterbeds are of two types: the hard-sided and the soft-sided ones. Hard-sided waterbeds have their water chamber placed inside a rectangular wood frame. Meanwhile, soft-sided waterbeds have theirs inside a rigid foam frame and are contained in fabric casings. The top padding isn’t directly on the water, it is made of foam, fiber, and other upholstery materials. The water chamber can be waveless, with motion controlled by fiber; or free flow, in which there is no obstruction to the movement of water.

Pros: Waterbeds can make you’re black more flexible. Some have settings you can adjust to control the temperature and the wave action of the bed can be full or partial, or have no wave at all. There are also some models with two controllers so you can adjust the firmness and water temperature on each side.

Cons: You always have to maintain proper room temperature for sleeping to be comfortable for you, because after all, your bed contains water. Set-up can be difficult. Moving the bed requires draining and disassembling. There is always a chance that it could leak if punctured. They can also be hard to find as they aren’t as commonly used today.

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