Can Medical Marijuana Help with Seizure Disorders?

Cannabis, commonly referred to as marijuana, is a plant whose derivatives have psychoactive effects on its users. It is a controlled substance in many states. Still, developments like Online medical marijuana cards in Oklahoma have enabled those who need it medically to obtain the plant without any legal ramifications. Cannabis has two main types; Indica and Sativa, both of which can induce mind-altering states. Cannabinoids are the active substances found in these two species. They produce psychoactive effects by acting on cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body.
The two active ingredients of cannabis are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol(THC) and cannabidiol(CBD). Both cannabinoids are of great interest to scientists because of their effects.THC is of more importance to the average marijuana user because of its stimulating effects. THC facilitates the release of dopamine, giving users the sensation of being “high.”

Different concentrations of THC in hemp and other cannabis species are of great import. Scientifically speaking, hemp and cannabis have identical botanical structures. The main difference is in their chemical ingredients. In hemp plants, THC is less than 0.3%, a level the authorities consider non-stimulating. Regular cannabis has THC concentrations much higher than hemp. Therefore, regular cannabis is still a controlled substance. There has been much hype about the medicinal benefits of cannabinoids like CBD, particularly in the treatment of epileptic seizures. If you want to purchase genuine weed or cannabis products whether in-store or have it delivered, just contact The Artist Tree Dispensary.

Epileptic Seizures

An epileptic seizure is a neurological disorder of the central nervous system. It occurs due to excessive brain activity. It usually manifests as uncontrolled body movements, unusual behavior, twitching, convulsions, and loss of consciousness.

Why More Doctors Are Recommending Cannabis As An Alternative Remedy

Doctors generally attempt to correct abnormal electrical activity of the brain by using different approaches. The most common one is administering anti-epileptic drugs. These drugs can have a demonstrable failure rate but are generally effective. The anti-epileptic medications have side effects like visual impairment, drowsiness and general malaise, and memory loss in the short term. More severe side effects may include pancreatitis and suicidal tendencies due to depression.

Because cannabis is a controlled substance, doctors cannot legally prescribe it to their epileptic patients unless they have a medical card. The potential legal ramifications surrounding cannabis possession and use seem to impede its use as an alternative seizure treatment. Many seizure sufferers don’t respond effectively to conventional anti-epileptic drugs. They’d be open to cannabis treatment therapy. CBD oil is now used widely across the country. Many seizure sufferers report improved general health and a decrease in the frequency of seizures.

What is a Medical Marijuana Card?

Medical marijuana cards are identification cards that people can use to purchase marijuana at dispensaries and other outlets like marijuana clubs. These are legal documents issued by individual states to those with ailments or conditions that may require the use of cannabis. Doctors cannot prescribe cannabis products to their patients. However, they can provide a medical recommendation that an individual can use to apply for a medical marijuana card online.

Benefits of Having a Medical Marijuana Card

Medical cardholders products appreciate the following benefits:

i)Lower Costs

State medical dispensaries offer cannabis for sale at reduced prices compared to regular dispensaries. Taxation is an essential factor that affects these costs since marijuana is also considered a recreational substance. Holders of medical marijuana cards are exempt from certain taxes. These exemptions result in lower prices that are extremely helpful to those with conditions that need cannabis products. Medical insurance does not usually cover cannabis-related therapies.

ii)You Can Grow Your Cannabis

Many states allow cardholders of medical marijuana to grow their cannabis plants. Because patients usually need regular doses, some states permit cardholders to cultivate and produce higher quantities than those allowed for recreational users of marijuana. Even states that do not allow domestic cannabis cultivation tend to make exceptions for chronically ill patients that live far from the nearest marijuana dispensaries.

iii)Potency Limits

Patients usually need access to high-grade cannabis to combat their ailments. It means that marijuana potency and dosages are vital to them. Recreational marijuana establishments may have to abide by certain potency limits; medical dispensaries may have more wiggle room.

iv)No age limit

Those not of age can still access medical marijuana if they suffer from conditions that require its use. A medical marijuana card makes this possible.

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