Are Recliner Chairs Good For You?

Everyone looks forward to a relaxing moment; sitting on your recliner, having a healthy and tasty home-made meal, and later reading a book with the background’s jazz music. No wonder you’ll end up feeling all pampered, and the next thing, you’ve passed out and already regenerated your body, mind, and soul on your recliner.

On the contrary, let’s picture it another way around. You’re looking for ways to easily and speedily stand-up, or get the perfect lumbar support while sitting down. You’ll want to ditch all those cushions out and leave behind that palaver when you try to stand up.

Is Reclining Better Than Sitting?

It’s about time you try something new, or perhaps something you’ve been trying to get but was torn between purchasing or getting used to the complex process of finding the perfect comfort. Are they even good for you? Do they have health benefits? And are they even worth it?

Assuming you’ve already got yourself a recliner chair and still having discomfort, the conclusion is—the recliner you’ve got doesn’t fit your body type or does not provide adequate lumbar support. You can read this great post by Cozyseating to give you a comprehensive overview of why you still experience back pain, how to find the perfect recliner, and how to make sure you get the right one.

Various studies show that when you sit upright for hours, like when you work on your computer, it can develop chronic back discomfort. However, you can avoid this by reclining and another great option is you order custom lift chairs Brisbane.

Research shows that it’s vital to sit in a sound and anatomic position, opposed to the traditional 90-degree position. The strain pressures your spine and associated ligaments that can lead to developing lower back pain, chronic illness, and potential deformity.

Back pain is a common result of disability and injury which affects the spine, the cause links to a poor sitting posture.

Is It Better To Sleep In A Recliner Than In A Mattress?

Technically, sleeping somewhere you feel more comfortable is best for your health, as long as you’ll have adequate lumbar support to lessen the pressure on your spine. Good quality of sleep is vital to your overall health and well-being. If you sleep better in a recliner chair than on a mattress, it is generally good and safe for you with less risk.

People with lower back pain, GERD, sleep apnea, or recently got a surgery that limits mobility and requires sitting or laying down assistance may find sleeping on a recliner better than in their mattresses.

Sleeping on your recliner allows you to be in a better-inclined position. The gently reclined position helps limit the weight and pressure of the throat and nose. The pressure reduction limits snoring and sleep apnea effects.

Aside from that, you can get plenty of health benefits when sleeping in a reclined position. This includes:

Prevents heartburns

Heartburn is a painful issue that occurs when the stomach moves upward into the esophagus. It is caused by what you drink or eat. This can get even worse when you are lying down and sleeping.

If you are in a reclined position when you sleep, this will prevent the stomach acid from going up or rising to the esophagus. This limits heartburn and prevents it at the same time.

Improves spinal stenosis

Everyone will feel discomfort in their lower back or may feel back stiffness which commonly occurs. Back pain can be exacerbated using a traditional mattress. The mattress springs and pressure it causes to your back while laying down horizontally can cause you to develop this condition.

Recliners help alleviate the pressure as it spreads all over the body. Aside from that, it can help improve your mobility and independence.

Fights sleep apnea and snoring.

Snoring and sleep apnea are common maladies that can be solved when you sleep in a reclined position. These two conditions are caused when the airways are blocked.

When you lay down flat, this can worsen the condition as your entire weight is pushed down on the airways, which are blocked. When you sleep on a recliner or in a reclined position, which limits the weight pushed down the throat and nose. Less pressure helps limit snoring and prevent sleep apnea.

Relieves osteoarthritis

Recliners help you deal with inflammation and pain from various forms of arthritis. As you sleep in a reclined position, your joints’ pressure and weight are spread out and reduces any inflammation and swelling.


While a sound and good quality of sleep are vital to our overall health and well-being, and sleeping in a reclined position helps you achieve this, one must do it in complete moderation. Sleeping in recliner chairs has tons of health benefits, limiting heartburn effects, reducing inflammation, and providing a night of better sleep.

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