Are Business Cards Old Fashioned?

The technology is taking part in every field. The way it is providing ease in every area, it is conquering many aspects of life. The phone books, address diaries, camera, and many more accessories are fading because of the smartphones. Mail carriers are out of work due to emails and gift, and invitation cards are not part of the life of this era due to messages. But business ard is an old ritual of the market, and it is still working the same way. Somehow it is becoming digital for some reason like COvid-19 pandemic when everything went to the internet, and everything happen online ether it is a school class or a board meeting.

Grab opportunities:

Business cards are old school, but they are worthy at this age too. How? There are many conferences, meeting, official gathering where you need to share your information and business card is an elegant way to hand information. Not only officially but also informal meeting can end with sharing a business card for the contact details. There are many opportunities and referrals you can get because of business cards. You might have to face the situation of referring a doctor by someone somehow know someone for the same sickness or an interior designer because someone got a good help for designing.

Share your contact details easily:

Imagine a conference meeting where you got an opportunity to work, and you want to tell and ask for the contact details. What would you do? Hand your phone to the other person to feed your contact details and contact later? It seems very unprofessional. Now think, you got a contract of model’s photoshoot and you would hand a photography business card to the next person. Contact cards are not only professional but also very convenient. You can use your business card tell your details to a person and have good follow up through it.

Create referrals

A business card gives you many opportunities. It is a silent marketing tool that helps you to grab the attention of others and became a referral. There are many card people share in their everyday life, and most of them lie on a trash can may be on the same day or after a brief period. People think it is not worthy of keeping many business cards of the same fields by different owners. The most unique and attractive card got the chance to be saved.

Market your brand

It would help if you learned about the competitors and their marketing tools. To get creative about your business card, the owners should be creative, imaginative and trendy while being original too. Put your nice picture on baking business cards while cooking or put some paint strokes on your painting business cards to make them unique as well striking. Also, the card should have the design, so they do not only fulfil the idea of contact sharing but also to maintain the interest of the customers for long. Business card help to make the name of your brand as well as promote it continuously. If you are not changing your contact details, your old card can continue marketing your brand if it is roaming around and people passing it further.

Connect with people:

Nowadays, connection with customers is minimized to surveys only. Because you do not know the contact details of your customers and they do not remember yours. It is difficult for people to remember phone numbers or emails for a long time and if it is not saved or written anywhere, it will bury in the mind under so many information they get in a day. Cards have information written on them, so there is no need to rewrite and to remember it. Also, you can put our email address and website link on the card. There can be an option for the customers to add their email when they visit your website; this way, you can collect their contact details.

For all ages:

For a professional environment, it is essential to have a business card. It shows that you are ready to enter the business world. You can show your passion and confident about your work through these business cards. From the job fairs for your internship or first job to a business meeting with the market’s big name, everyone asses all the minor details and business card is one of the most important ones.


From decades, business cards are a crucial part of the market. The world is becoming faster, and the worth of business card is growing too. The trend of the business card seems never-ending because of the convenience.

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