7 Recommended Window Coverings For Typhoon Prone Areas

If you live in a typhoon-prone area, protecting your home and family is probably always at the forefront of your mind. Rightfully so. There are things that you can do to protect your home, like buying the right shutters.

When you are buying window protection, there are some features that you need to look for.

  • Easy to install- If you don’t want permanent window protection, then you need to make sure it can be installed and removed easily.
  • Complies with building codes- Different countries have different building codes. Your window protection needs to comply with the codes in your area.
  • Durable- Whatever type of window protection you get, it has to be durable. It needs to be able to withstand high winds, debris, and rain.
  • Can be stored- When typhoons are not a worry, you want to be able to store your window protection away easily.
  • Design- You want something that will go with the current design of your house. You don’t want something that looks out of place or doesn’t match your style.

1. Accordion Shutters

These shutters are permanently installed over your windows and other openings. Unlike other shutters, accordion shutters slide on a track horizontally. Made from aluminum, these shutters will protect your house against strong winds and debris. They come with a heavy-duty lock that will also prevent theft. Because they come in a variety of different styles, you will be sure to find a style that fits your home.

2. Plantation Shutters

Plantation shutters are a favorite among home buyers because of how they look. But they can also protect your windows. They come in a variety of colors and finishes so they can fit any style of home. These shutters open to let air and light in and can be closed when needed. If you need plantation shutters, contact Brisbane Plantation Shutters.

3. Roll-up Shutters

These permanently installed shutters are made from aluminum. When a storm approaches, the shutters can be rolled down. They will add a protective barrier that will protect your windows from strong winds and debris.

The shutters can be lowered and raised by hand crank or by an electric motor. When you aren’t using them, you can keep the shutters rolled up and covered by a hood that will fit the style of your home.

4. Bahama Shutters

These stylish shutters can both make your home look good and protect it at the same time. These shutters resemble the same type of shutters used on homes in the tropics. Made from aluminum, they are permanently attached to your home and can protect your windows from strong winds and debris. They also come in a variety of colors, so they will add style to your home.

The shutters can be pushed open to allow light in, and when a typhoon is coming they are closed for protection.

5. Colonial Shutters

Colonial shutters can both protect your house and make it look nice. These shutters are made from aluminum, so they are both durable and waterproof. The shutters are installed on the outside of your windows. When the shutters are kept open, you can still see outside. And the shutters frame your windows, and you can get them in a variety of colors.

When the shutters are closed and secure, they will protect your windows from typhoon force winds and debris. These shutters are also permanently attached to your home, so you don’t have to worry about storage.

6. Storm Panel

You can purchase a storm panel in a variety of materials like aluminum, steel, or polycarbonate Lexan material. The panels are installed over your windows and other openings.

Anchors are installed around your windows and doors. These anchors aren’t noticeable, and they make it easy to remove and install the panels when you need them.

7. Polycarbonate Windows

While these aren’t shutters, they do offer you window protection and much more. If you live in an area where typhoons are common, changing your windows to polycarbonate is a good idea. These windows can withstand debris and high winds from Category 5 storms. They will also add insulation from outside noise.


Jim Pulman has extensive knowledge and experience in Home Building, Construction, and Design. He writes articles in his free time and partners with content creators to share his expertise with the online community

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