6 Triggers Of Female Loss of hair

Hair loss is unfortunately common in women. However, it can either be permanent or temporary depending on the causes or the trigger. Below are some primary triggers of hair loss in women.


Most women do not know this, but stress is a significant trigger of loss of hair. According to professionals, too much stress can cause loss of hair by pushing hair into a cycle known as the Resting Cycle – during this period, also known as the telogen phase, there is less hair growth. Additionally, severe stress can even result in pattern baldness. Extreme stress can cause hair to fall out in round patches in a condition known as alopecia. Luckily, loss of hair caused by stress is reversible. This means that once you manage the stress, then the hair growth rate goes back to normal.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth can be among the most challenging times in the life of a woman. But most people do not know that pregnancy and childbirth can also trigger hair loss. According to experts, many women experience thinning and falling out of hair during and immediately after delivery. This happens because of the hormonal shifts that are triggered by pregnancy. After delivery, the hair goes to the resting phase because of the sudden change in hormones, and excess shedding also occurs. It can seem alarming; however, it is a normal and reversible occurrence.

Heredity or genetics

Although the exact mechanism is currently unknown, loss of hair is thought to have an association with a woman’s genetics. Thinning or shedding of hair is a heredity condition that typically occurs with aging. This is a condition known as androgenic alopecia or female-pattern baldness. This type of hair loss occurs gradually and is characterized by receding of the hairline and thinning of the hair.

Excess vitamin A or deficiency in vitamin B

Vitamins play a significant role in the health of a woman’s hair, with a deficiency of vitamin B being linked to thinning hair. However, too much vitamin A in the body can negatively affect the health of your hair. Generally, eating healthy and maintaining an active lifestyle can help prevent hair loss as well as improving overall health. Indulging in a healthy and well-rounded vitamin routine can influence the health of your hair and overall body.

Medical conditions

Various medical conditions can directly cause loss of hair. This happens when the medicine disrupts hormones caused by medical conditions. In other cases, the conditions themselves trigger the loss of hair. Some common conditions that cause thinning and loss of hair include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hodgkin’s disease, hypopituitarism, and anemia. Ringworm and lichen planus also cause loss and thinning of hair.

Birth control

Switching or getting on birth control can trigger hair loss. This is especially the case with hormonal birth control methods. Birth control pills cause the body to experience a sudden change in hormones, which could trigger harmful impacts on hair. The same happens when switching to a new method (like when you change from a hormonal to a non-hormonal birth control method and vice versa). The sudden changes cause the hair follicles to change and shedding to occur. However, these effects are only temporary, and once the body gets used to the changes, the hair starts to grow back.


Identifying the various causes of loss of hair can help you understand how to reverse the situation. For instance, if excess vitamin A is the cause of your hair issues, then the solution would be to analyze your diet. Understand that most of the reasons mentioned above are reversible.


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