14 Interior Design Tips to Spruce Up Your Home

Interior design is both a science and an art. The goal of a good interior design is to deliver aesthetics that will attract people and make you feel comfortable and relaxed. Sprucing up your interior doesn’t have to be expensive! Here are some simple yet effective interior design tips spruce up you can use to add some wow factor to your home.

Create an awesome floor plan

One of the best ways to create a nice interior space is to avoid cluttering your floor space. Leave enough room for you and your guests to maneuver around the house. Perhaps you can leave around 45cm between sofas, the table, and chairs. A crowded floor tends to look too busy, and a floor that is too spacious makes the room look like it is empty.

Wall panels and designs

Get creative with your walls with some attractive designs of wallpaper and textures. If you are bold enough, you could try color blocking with colors of your choice, provided they complement each other well. Use a masking tape when painting a horizontal split wall to ensure that you have crisp, clean lines.

Wall paneling is an upcoming trend that you could use to upgrade your old and tired-looking walls. Depending on your budget, you could opt for cheaper materials such as fiberboard. click here to view the best HDB interior design in Singapore

Art pieces

If you have a blank wall in your house, consider turning it into an accent wall and hanging multiple complementary art pieces. Another option is to hang two complimentary oversized art pieces next to each other. Either way, your guests will be fascinated and impressed by your artistic display.

Bring out your personality!

Let your home be a reflection of your personality as well as your inner self. If you like bright colors, don’t be shy to experiment until you find the style that suits you. Your home is your safe space and sanctuary, so you are better off making it perfect by your standards.

Complementary colors

Choosing colors that do not blend is a sure way to create a chaotic living space. You are better off picking three complementary colors and creating a balanced color theme throughout your home. The dominant color should account for 60%, the secondary color should take up around 30%, and the accent color should take up 10%.

Use natural lighting

Using natural lighting is not just an excellent way of reducing your electricity bills, but it also plays a significant role in the appearance of a particular room. You can assess orientation of natural light before decoration and furniture placement. One way of controlling natural lighting is to use rulouri textile shatters. You can go for exterior or interior shutters that can be used to control light and add some oomph to your interior space.

Rug design

Select a rug with colors that match your existing color theme. Ideally, your carpet should be big enough to go under all your furniture’s feet. You are not restricted to placing it on the floor. Instead of wall paintings, you can hang a beautiful antique rug and note the life it will add to the room.


You can paint your fireplace a bright red color to highlight it and make it stand out. In addition to that, you could also arrange some reading material at the top. You can light a few scented candles to set the mood in your living space. Highlighting the fireplace creates a geometric design and adds a bit of symmetry to the room.

Staircase runner

Instead of having the carpet cover your entire staircase, use a staircase runner and leave at least 8cm of bare floor on each side. Interior designers use this technique to give the appearance of a wider staircase. Staircase runners are also used to make a hallway appear narrower.

Go green

You can never go wrong with placing a few plants strategically around your home. There are plenty of low-maintenance indoor plants you can start with, such as succulents, before you feel comfortable enough to introduce more plants gradually.

Invest in designer pieces

It is not wrong to splurge on a few high-end pieces that will have value for your money. Whether a magnificent chandelier or a unique sideboard, these designer pieces will add character and spice to your living space. You will not regret investing in these pieces, and your guests will not stop gushing over how elegant your home is.

Luxurious curtains

Opt for fabric such as velvet, which will give your home an elegant and luxurious feel. Curtain placement is an essential part of interior design. You are better off hanging your curtains high up instead of placing your curtains just above the window frame. High placement of your curtains will create the illusion that the room is more prominent and taller than it is.

Indoor lighting

The brightness and color of the bulbs will be determined by the purpose you intend the room to serve. That said, you must identify the location of sockets, switches, and lights in the room before you begin to add accessories and furniture. For instance, the living room area would require bright bulbs to make the room appear bigger. It would be best to create a balance between overhead lighting, accent lighting, and mood lighting.

Make your entrance attractive

The entrance is the first part of your house that guests will see. It would be a great idea if you placed a beautiful console or welcome sign with crucial hooks on the doorway. Creating a pleasant first impression on your guests is a sure way to wow them and make them feel welcomed. You could also consider placing a luxurious couch with complementing colors that can double up as a place where one can sit to put on their shoes.

Final Remarks

Now that you understand a thing or two behind the interior design, we hope that these guidelines will help you create your dream living space. It is incredibly exhilarating to walk into a room and see your vision come to life. Have fun sprucing up your indoor space!

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