10 Must-Haves for a Newborn Child

It can be overwhelming for new parents to make sure that you’re prepared when bringing home a newborn baby. To make the process feel a little easier and stress-free, we have listed 10 must-have options that you should purchase before bringing your little one home. You can find variations of all of these useful products by shopping on the BabyHood website.

1. A Baby Stroller

While you might be tempted to carry your new little one everywhere you go, you are going to want a baby stroller or pram for longer trips about town. A stroller keeps your baby safe and comfortable while allowing you to be hands-free everywhere you go. They also offer plenty of stage space for all of the other baby essentials you need to keep on-hand while you’re out and about.

2. Carseat and Stroller Harness Cushions

While they keep a newborn safe, many stroller and car seat harness straps can be rough and uncomfortable. Harness cushions can be wrapped and secured around the straps, resting softly on the baby’s chest. This prevents crying and skin irritation.

3. A Head Support Mat

Depending on the size or your car seat and stroller, your baby’s head may have too much wiggle room. Head support is incredibly important, especially at the newborn stage. Head support mats and inserts can be placed in strollers, sleepers, car seats, and changing tables, and the soft foam support at the top ensures that your baby’s head and neck stay comfortably in place.

4. A Mobile

It’s no secret that babies are fascinated by all the new colors and sounds in their new environment. A baby mobile, which hangs above their crib or sleeper, gives them something to look at and listen to while they drift peacefully off to sleep. They are soothing, and they make an adorable addition to any nursery room.

5. A Swaddle Sleeping Bag

As a newborn, your baby will feel the safest and most secure when swaddled tightly during rest and sleeping time. Swaddling with a regular blanket can be difficult and time-consuming, but a swaddle sleeping bag makes it easy. Simply zip or button the baby up inside, and they will remain there comfy through their nap.

6. Baby Bibs

Babies are messy eaters, even before moving on to solid food. During the breast-feeding or bottle-feeding ages, they tend to spit up quite frequently. To avoid having to change your baby’s outfit after every feeding, keep several baby bibs on hand.

7. A Nursing Pillow

A nursing pillow is great to have for both mom and baby. It allows you to breast-feed from a comfortable position while offering your baby plenty of comfort and support. Some even have small mobiles attached so that your baby has something to grab onto or watch during meal time.

8. A Standing Bath Tub

As a newborn, your baby will be far too small for a bath in your home’s regular tub. For this reason, it is essential to have an infant-sized tub on hand to keep the baby safe and secure when it’s time to get clean. A standing bath tub makes it easy for parents who don’t want to sit on the floor during bath time or put the baby in the sink.

9. Bed Guards

Although your newborn baby will be sleeping in scrubs and bassinets when they are this young, they may also spend some time napping or resting in your larger bed. To ensure that this can be done safely, you should attach bed guards to either side of the bed. These soft guards prevent the baby from rolling off the side of the bed while sleeping or playing.

10. An Activity Center

Even as a newborn, your baby is going to want plenty of time to play and enjoy new colors, sights, sounds, and textures. This is why it’s a great idea to have an activity center for them. These soft mats can be placed on the floor, and several different interactive toys hang from above and around the side. This should keep your newborn entertained comfortably.

Author’s Bio:

Lisa Eclesworth is a notable and influential lifestyle writer. She is a mom of two and a successful homemaker. She loves to cook and create beautiful projects with her family. She writes informative and fun articles that her readers love and enjoy. You can directly connect with her on email – lisa@lisaeclesworth.com or visit her website www.lisaeclesworth.com

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