10 Homey and Wholesome Activities to do during Winter. (and they’re mostly free!)

With our current cold snap in Australia, it’s no wonder many homes and businesses are looking for ways to stay warm and toasty. At present moment, cities such as Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney are witnessing a cold snap that hasn’t been experienced in many years. Temperatures are generally lower than the average for the year and the continuation of cold days is also a new variant.

It’s no wonder some people are electing to invest in ducted heating servicing to keep themselves and their families cosy and snug. Gathering up our warmest attire and nestling up on the couch with a warm blanket and cup of sweet hot chocolate might seem as though it’s a wonderful way to pass time and keep away the winter blues. But there are some other things you can do to keep warm, active, and fresh during these chilly times.

1. Jump in muddy puddles

If it’s not raining too heavily, it can be great fun to rug up and pull on those winter wellie boots and get out there and run around in the drizzle and jump in some muddy puddles. Embrace your inner child and get all active and happy with some muddy puddle fun.

If you have children, you can encourage them to bring out their toy cars and trucks and build some muddy towns and roads to cruise their cars through and of course, bury them in spectacular crazy good times. It has to be one of a child’s most cherished and happy memories to be galivant without a care in the world in muddy puddles. My children know that puddles are for jumping in.

2. Blanket forts and pillow fights

Turn your lounge room, bedroom, or even the whole house into one crazy blanket fort packed with pillows, cushions, and other comfy treasures. You can build some tunnels and secret passages to make the winter gloomy nights that much more adventurous.

Snuggle up and read a book or get right into it and have a good old-fashioned pillow fight with your loved ones. Stay warm and have some comfy times in blanket serenity

3. Movie nights

Nothing beats a horror movie marathon on a wet and stormy night. Turn off all the lights to amplify the atmosphere. If horror isn’t your game, perhaps another genre such as thriller, the whole God Father series or an epic run of Lord of the Rings is more your style.

Wrap yourself up in some snuggly thick blankets with a big bowl of popcorn and cuddle up for some wholesome downtime with some DVDs or Netflix. Binge-watching anyone?

4. Hikes and nature walks

For some, the great outdoors may be more of their element. Some creeks and ponds may have higher water levels than normal and this may result in some picturesque views. Nothing beats the smell of fresh rain and wet earth. If you’re into mindfulness and earthing, this can be quite a relaxing and grounding experience.

Hike through the woods and enjoy the natural harmony and tranquil sounds of the forest creatures and the peaceful silence of Mother Nature in one of her finest moments.

Bear in mind, that if you have mobility issues or have small children, you may need to take extra care of slippery slopes and fast running water.

A fun addition to this pass time might be to encourage children to collect flowers and bark and other materials for an art and craft collage or to create a printout paper of a treasure hunt. If the weather and ground permitting, a quiet and harmonious picnic can complete the outing.

5. Art and craft

Unleash your creative side and pull out the long dormant arts and crafts supplies. Take your time with a long-running project or make a vision board, start scrapbooking, or even make a dream catcher, collage, or painting.

Long-term cold and rainy conditions may keep you housebound for a while, but there you still exercise your mind and creativity.

6. Speaking of creative, get into some DIY

There’s no excuse now for not getting onto those DIY projects you’ve been putting off. Renovate the interior of your humble home and make your dull and outdated areas shine with renewed energy and stylish, chic additions.

You might want to refurbish some ancient furniture or revamp your bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom with some artistic and original designs and additions.

Add a mural to your children’s rooms, new shelving in the study, re-condition the vanity in the ensuite, or even put together those long neglected ready to assemble furniture.

7. Cooking and baking

Fresh home-baked cookies anyone? Gather the family together for some good old-fashioned fun baking cookies, cakes, and other sweet treats. Not only will your home smell amazing, but you’ll build long-lasting and happy memories with your family.

8. Curry nights

Whilst we’re on the subject of cooking, a great homemade curry fills heart, soul, and tummy. Winter nights are the best times for eating a healthy and steaming hot brew of curry, stew, or soup. Put together your own fresh ingredients and let the aroma and flavours simmer throughout the day to conclude in one banging grand finale of tasty and warm succulent joy. Savour every bite for a home-cooked meal built with love and togetherness. Those meals always taste the best.

9. Game nights

Gather together family and close friends for a night of games. Whether it be Dungeons and Dragons, Cards Against Humanity, Monopoly, or a twisted game of Murder in the Dark to pass the time. Add laughter, anticipation, and an abundance of brain training and imagination.

10. Declutter

Clear out all your cupboards and wardrobes and get rid of the old. Bring in new energy and fresh space with a decent spring clean. Not only will your home look great, but it’ll also feel good too.

Donate or sell hat you can and discard the rest.



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