Why are day and nightshades a popular choice for homeowners?

Day and nightshades are a popular choice for homeowners looking to balance light control and privacy. If you’re confused between a blackout shade blocking the harsh sun rays and maintaining privacy while also keeping ample natural light, you can’t go wrong with the very versatile day and nightshade.

Day/Night Shade – What are they, and how do they work?

Are cellular shades and Day/night shades similar? When you order a cellular shade, you have to choose from light filtering or room darkening fabrics. On the other hand, a day/night shade uses both light filtering and room darkening in a single window treatment. In addition, there is a middle bar that separates both the fabrics so that you can push them up or down when desired light or privacy is required. And when you want to enjoy a complete view of the outside, you can raise them completely for an unobstructed outside view.

Where can you use the day/nightshades?

Day/night shades are the best for the bedrooms, where you always want to snug into a comforting cocoon and enjoy a restful sleep after a hectic day at work. But you also want to welcome in the sunshine to give you that energy to start your day fresh. All this, along with maintaining privacy, is what day/night shades do for you.

You can even use them in offices where you have to manage many screens, light sources beaming light throughout the day – all that can affect your productivity and performance levels.

Day and Night Shades – Know about the mounting options

Inside Mount – when you hang the day/night shades on the inside of the window casing, they’re called inside Mount

Outside Mount – the shades are mounted on the outside of the window casing, they’re outside mounted.

Inside Mount are the most common mounting ways for window treatments and a popular choice of homeowners too. They offer a simple and clean look adding a visual element to the room’s décor. However, outside mounts are preferred when you are looking for greater privacy.

You can measure inside and outside Mount all by yourself, but we recommend you seek professional guidance. Any wrong measurement can not only add to your costs but also waste your time and efforts. So, schedule a free home expert consultation and call the experts right away.