Fruits and Vegetables That You Should (and Shouldn’t) Peel


Important vitamins, minerals, and chemical compounds can be found in fruits and vegetables. They also include fiber. There are many different varieties of fruits and vegetables, and there are many ways of preparing, cooking, and serving them. A diet high in fruits and vegetables can protect you from cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Fruits and vegetables can be served in a variety of ways. They can be used in various dishes or eaten as snacks. Some individuals disagree on whether or not fruits and vegetables should be peeled before cooking and serving them. Peels are typically removed out of habit, choice, or in an effort to limit pesticide exposure. But by removing the peels, you can also be giving up one of the plant’s most nutrient-dense parts.

How would you determine if you needed to peel a fruit or vegetable? If you are interested in learning more, keep reading because we will tell you which fruits and veggies you should peel and which you should not in preparing foods.

The Benefits of Peeling Fruits and Vegetables

Although there are certain advantages to peeling fruits and vegetables, it’s important to remember that many fruits and vegetables have valuable nutrients in their skin that we can lose if we always peel them. The following are a few possible advantages of peeling fruits and vegetables:

The Benefits of Peeling Fruits and Vegetables

Peel are packed with nutrients

Depending on the fruit or vegetable, they contain varying levels of nutrients. Vegetables that aren’t peeled, on the other hand, often have higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial plant compounds.

In reality, a raw apple with skin has up to 19% more potassium, 20% more calcium, 332% more vitamin K, 142% more vitamin A, and 115% more vitamin C than a peeled apple.

A boiling potato with skin can also have up to 175% more vitamin C, 115% more potassium, 111% more folate, and 110% more magnesium and phosphorus than a peeled potato.

Peels from vegetables also include a lot more fiber and antioxidants. For instance, a vegetable’s skin may contain up to 31% of the total amount of fiber in the vegetable. Additionally, fruit peels might contain up to 328 times more antioxidants than apple pulp.

Consequently, consuming your fruits and veggies without peeling them can actually boost your vitamin intake.

Peels may help you feel fuller longer

This is mostly because they contain a lot of fiber. While the precise amount of fiber varies, before the outer layers are removed, fresh fruits and vegetables may have up to a third more fiber.

Fiber can help you feel fuller for longer. Fiber may accomplish this by physically extending the stomach, reducing the rate at which it empties, or affecting the rate at which your body releases chemicals which indicate fullness.

In fact, viscous fiber, a type of fiber found in fruits and vegetables, may be particularly efficient for suppressing appetite.

Fiber provides nourishment for the beneficial microorganisms in your gut. Short-chain fatty acids are created by these bacteria when they consume fiber, and they seem to increase feelings of fullness.

Furthermore, numerous studies have found that diets high in fiber tend to cause people to feel less hungry and consume fewer calories each day, which may result in weight loss.

As a result, eating unpeeled fruits and veggies may help you eat less and possibly even lose weight.

Peels may help prevent some disease

Antioxidants are healthy plant chemicals found in fruits and vegetables that may lower the risk of numerous diseases.

Simply put, the major goal of antioxidants is to fight dangerous chemicals known as free radicals. Oxidative stress can be brought on by high quantities of free radicals, which can eventually injure cells and possibly raise the risk of disease.

Antioxidants may help reduce the risk of heart disease and several types of cancer.

A lower risk of neurological illnesses like Alzheimer’s has also been related to certain antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables.

Antioxidants are naturally abundant in fruits and vegetables, however,  they are concentrated more on the outer layer.

The antioxidant content of fruit and vegetable peels was up to 328 times greater than that of their pulps.

Therefore, you should eat unpeeled fruits and vegetables to maximize your absorption of antioxidants from them.

Some peels are hard to clean or inedible

Some fruit or vegetable peels may be difficult to eat or simply inedible.

For instance, avocado and honeydew melon peels are not recommended for eating, whether they are cooked or uncooked.

It can be difficult to chew and digest other fruit and vegetable peels, such as those from pineapple, melons, onions, and celeriac. It is typically advisable to remove and avoid eating these peels.

Furthermore, even though some vegetable peels are considered edible, most people find them to be unappealing when they are still raw. Winter squash and pumpkin peels are two examples of peels that are best consumed after heating in order to make them softer.

Citrus fruits are difficult to eat fresh due to their bitter and rough skin. These are usually best used as zest, fried, or just thrown out.

Even though they are entirely edible, certain fruit and vegetable peels have a bitter flavor or are covered in a layer of wax or grime that can be hard to remove.

Peeling may still be your best option if the thought of eating these fruits and vegetables with the skin makes you decide from eating them at all.

Peel may contain pesticides

Pesticides are frequently used to boost productivity and lessen crop damage.

Contrary to popular opinion, both conventionally and organically produced fruits and vegetables contain pesticides.

While certain pesticides do penetrate fruit and vegetable flesh, the majority are restricted to the peel.

Pesticide residues that are merely lightly adhered to the peel’s surface can be removed by washing. Peeling is the most effective approach to get rid of pesticides that have soaked into fruit and vegetable skin.

For instance, a recent assessment indicated that peeling removed up to twice as much of the pesticide residues identified on apples than washing with water.

This may be sufficient justification for many people to only consume the flesh of all fruits and vegetables if they are worried about their overall exposure to pesticides.

However, the advantage of the higher number of nutrients in the skin may not necessarily offset the risk of eating a little bit more pesticides.

Pesticide use on fresh produce is strictly controlled. Less than 4% of the time do pesticide levels surpass the permitted top limits, and even then, studies demonstrate that this rarely causes harm to people.

Therefore, even if washing veggies removes more pesticides than peeling them does, the difference is probably insignificant and shouldn’t cause worry.

The Benefits of Consuming the Peel of Fruits and Vegetables

As they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, fruits, and vegetables must be consumed to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. However, a lot of individuals frequently peel fruits and vegetables before eating them because they are unaware of the nutritional value of the peel. Eating fruits and vegetables with their peels on actually has several advantages.

The Benefits of Consuming the Peel of Fruits and Vegetables

Nutritional value

Eating fruits and vegetables with their peels can greatly improve their nutritional worth, which is one of the main advantages. Vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and fiber are all concentrated in significant amounts in the peel of numerous fruits and vegetables. For instance, a potato’s peel is a significant source of potassium and vitamin C, while the skin of an apple provides roughly half of the apple’s total fiber content.

Fruit and vegetable peels include antioxidants, which can help protect the body from harm brought on by free radicals, in addition to vitamins and minerals. Free radicals are unstable chemicals that have the potential to harm cells and have a role in the development of chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. You may assist your body fight off these diseases by increasing your intake of antioxidants by eating the peel.

Reduce waste

Eating fruits and vegetables with their peels on them has another advantage in that it might lessen food waste. You waste a lot of food when you peel fruits and vegetables, which raises your grocery expenses and contributes to food waste. You may save money and lessen the amount of food that ends up in landfills by not peeling.

Environmental advantages can result from reducing food waste. Food waste increases greenhouse gas emissions, which in turn accelerates climate change. You may lessen the impact of food waste on the environment by consuming fruits and vegetables in their organic form.


Another benefit of not peeling fruits and vegetables is convenience. They don’t require much time to peel, and you may eat them while on the go without worrying about where to put the peel. This might make it simpler to add fruits and veggies to your diet on a regular basis, especially if you are short on time.


Eating fruits and vegetables whole can also be cost-effective. You can reduce your food bill when you don’t have to spend money on peeling implements or throw away the peel. Furthermore, unpeeled fruits and vegetables are frequently less expensive than their peeled counterparts.

Variety of flavor and texture

Your meals can also benefit from the many flavors and textures that the peels of fruits and vegetables can add. For instance, the peel of a lemon can provide sharpness to a meal while the skin of a cucumber can give a salad a refreshing crunch. You can experiment with various flavors and textures in your meals by eating fruits and vegetables in their organic state.

It’s important to remember that some fruits and vegetables could have unpleasant or tough peels, which are best avoided before eating. For instance, the peel of a mango or pineapple can be thick and difficult to digest. Regardless of whether you decide to eat the peel or not, it’s important to wash all fruits and vegetables well before eating them. This can aid in clearing the fruit or vegetable’s surface of any dirt, bacteria, or pesticides that might be present.

Fruits and Vegetables You Should Peel

The skins of fruits and vegetables frequently feature high concentrations of antioxidants, fiber, and minerals. They also have a pleasant flavor. However, not all skins are pleasant and edible; some are really difficult to digest. The fruits and vegetables that you should peel are listed below.

Fruits and Vegetables You Should Peel


Avocado skin is difficult to digest and should not be consumed, like tropical fruits. Fiber, potassium, folic acid, and monounsaturated fats are all present in good amounts in avocados. It is worthwhile to remove the skin from garlic and onions because it is neither particularly pleasant nor nutritious.

Citrus Fruits

Due to its harsh texture and unpleasant flavor, the peel of citrus fruits, including oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, is typically not consumed. Citrus fruit peels can be candied or used to flavor other foods, but they are not commonly eaten on their own.


Tropical fruits including pineapples, papayas, mangos, bananas, melons, and lychee should always be peeled. According to Malkani, the skins of these fruits are inedible since they are difficult to chew and digest.


Mango skins are technically edible, however a small quantity of urushiol, the poison ivy active ingredient, is present. To be cautious, throw away the mango peel, especially if you are aware of your sensitivity to poison ivy.

Butternut Squash

Butternut squash has a thick, challenging-to-peel skin that also gets in the way of the tasty flesh inside. It must always be peeled, just like with kabocha and red kuri squash. However, the acorn, delicata, and honeynut squash peels will become sensitive and mushy in the oven, so you may leave them on.


When it comes to eating banana peels, opinions vary. Although these peels are theoretically acceptable to eat, they taste bad and have a disagreeable texture. However, they do contain nutrients, so if you’re up for it, you can mix, fry, or bake them.


The bitter taste and strong odor of garlic skin are the main reasons why it is not usually consumed. This may alter the dish’s flavor and reduce its appeal.


Melons’ skins can be hard, fibrous, and hard to chew and digest. In particular, for those with sensitive stomachs, eating the skin may cause intestinal distress.


Even though you probably won’t want to eat it raw, onion peels have a ton of taste, so there are other ways to take advantage of this flavor explosion. Save the onion skins after peeling them and use them in broths or stews. Your meal will gain more taste and color during the cooking phase!

If you want to learn more about the different uses of peelers, check out this graphic for more guidance:


Fruits and Vegetables You Should Not Peel


Leaving the skin on potatoes can be advantageous, even if you would want to peel them to improve their texture for stews or mashed potatoes. Both sweet potato and potato skins are packed with satiating fiber, iron, and potassium. Before you begin cooking, simply wash them and scrub them with a kitchen cloth or vegetable brush.


The only cleaning methods required for these orange root vegetables are running water and a short scrub. Leaving the skin on carrots will ensure that you obtain the maximum amount of vitamin C and vitamin B3, which are concentrated mostly in the skin and the layer immediately beneath it (known as the phloem). However, if you’re going to roast them, get out your peeler because the skin can become a little bitter when cooked.


The skin of the eggplant becomes soft and sensitive when cooked, and it is rarely consumed raw. Therefore, there is no need to peel it. Additionally, due to this vegetable’s high water content, the skin contains the majority of its nutrients, including fiber, manganese, and immune-booster antioxidants. To clean the eggplant, simply rinse it and pat it dry with a paper towel.


Since cucumbers have a very high water content, the majority of the beneficial compounds are found in the skin. Vitamin K, which is important for bone health, and vitamin A are included (benefiting your eyes and skin). Some varieties of cucumbers have stiff, waxy outer layers; if you choose to avoid peeling them, make sure to rinse and scrub them well before eating.


You can consume the fuzzy skin of a kiwi in the same way that you consume the fuzzy skin of a peach. You can obtain three times as much fiber from kiwis by eating the peel. The flavor should be exactly the same as the meat, but a touch less sweet and sourer.


Summer squash, the yellow counterpart of zucchini, also has large quantities of soluble and insoluble fiber, which, like antioxidants, primarily resides in the skin due to its high water content. Cleaning zucchini and summer squash is as simple as giving them a quick rinse and a paper towel massage before preparation.


One fruit that Cecere specifically advises against peeling is apples. Insoluble fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, and the flavonoid quercetin are all present in apple skin, according to her. Despite having so much fiber and nutrition, apples have a greater pesticide content than other fruits. So make sure to thoroughly wash them, or think about purchasing organic apples. Some of the healthful foods that are more nutrient-dense than you might have realized are apples.


The nutrient-rich, thin, and delicate skin of apricots is edible. In actuality, apricot skin includes antioxidants, fiber, and other healthy minerals. These nutrients would be lost if the apricot was peeled, lowering the fruit’s overall nutritional worth.

Pears, Peaches, and Plums

The peel of peaches, pears, and plums is rich in fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. Always clean fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating, whether you peel them or not.

Berries, Cherries, or Grapes

It is preferable to consume berries, cherries, and grapes unpeeled. Apart from the fact that peeling cherries, grapes, and most berries is difficult or impossible, the peels of these fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and minerals. Since the grape’s skin contains the most antioxidants of the entire fruit, it is particularly advantageous to consume grape skin. These fruits are among the top ten healthiest for your body because of the increase in antioxidants.


Many vegetables and fruits should be peeled for a variety of reasons, including enhancing their flavor, texture, and safety. Numerous fruits and vegetables should be peeled for a variety of reasons, including to enhance their flavor, texture, and safety. Leaving the peel on these fruits and vegetables can help speed up and simplify meal preparation while also giving food a wonderful crunch or texture.

Fruits and vegetables should be peeled or not peeled depending on the type, your personal preferences, and your health requirements. Whether or not you peel them, all fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed before eating to get rid of any dirt, bacteria, or pesticide residue.