Can The Right Door Locks Help Lower Your Insurance Premiums?

If you’re a new homeowner, you might not realise that the type of locks on the doors and windows of your home can have an impact on the cost of your insurance premiums.

Insurance providers want to know that your property is as secure as it can possibly be before deciding on what your premiums should cost, as strong locks installed by a professional locksmith in Beckenham, will naturally prevent you from being targeted by thieves and intruders who may steal from you or damage your property.

When offering you a quote, your insurance provider will ask you more details about the locks installed on your entry points. Below are some of the most effective door locks that when installed professionally, could help lower your insurance premiums:

Five lever mortice deadlocks

Installed within the cavity of the door (or mortice), these commonly used locks have five levers that when the key is turned, move the deadlock into position. Essentially, the more levers in a lock, the better security it offers against burglars and anyone else trying to gain unlawful entry to your home, as there are more contact points for lock pickers.

While you can have mortice deadlocks with three levers installed, insurance providers tend to prefer those with five levers, thanks to the added level of protection they offer.

Window locks with keys

It can be helpful in terms of lowering your insurance premiums to have window locks with keys fitted on all windows (but at the very least, on all ground floor windows) as well as five lever mortice locks on your doors.

Night latches

Night latches, more commonly referred to as Yale locks, secure your home automatically when a door is closed and require the use of a key to open it again, but can be opened from the inside with a simple turn of the latch. When used in conjunction with a five lever mortice lock, this combination could help minimize the cost of your home contents insurance premiums, although it should be noted that when used alone, night latches are not considered to offer adequate levels of security.

Key operated multi-point locks

This type of lock usually has up to five locking points that move together at the same time when the key is turned. Ensuring that the door is strengthened at the middle, bottom, and top when locked, while these are incredibly secure, they aren’t usually installed on wooden doors.

According to guidelines issued by the Master Locksmiths Association, multi-point locking systems on front entranceways, must have cylinders that conform to the standards of TS007 3-star Kitemark. For more information regarding this, your local locksmith will likely be able to help.

Do smart locks have an impact on insurance premiums?

It can be easy to assume that more technology means more security, but this isn’t necessarily the case. Smart locks can only be opened with a code or a smartphone registered to the system, but, they are vulnerable to being hacked.

If you already have a smart lock system installed at your home, or are considering buying one, it might be best to consult with local certified locksmiths or an insurance provider, to find out what impact it might have on your premiums.

The right type of locking systems for the doors and windows of your home absolutely can have an impact on the cost of your home insurance, hence it’s always worth upgrading your systems if you feel they might be the cause of high premiums.