You Should Not Do These 6 Things after a Dog Bite Incident

Whenever a dog attacks you or a beloved one, you must act quickly and decisively to save your health and legal rights. Dog bites attorney Lynnwood wants to tell you what you should not do following a dog attack.

For the greatest possible result in your dog attack lawsuit, avoid the following six actions. As restitution for the dog attack, you must avoid specific acts.

Not Reporting the Dog Incident

You must notify the right authorities (e.g. cops and animal services) and the holder, if you identify them, of the assault. A complaint to the New Jersey Department of Health may also be required by law enforcement. Even if you don’t have any idea of where the dog lives or who owns it, you must still report the assault.

As the first step in an investigation that will be used to support your claim, filing a report is very significant. Information on the dog and its owner, as well as any witnesses who saw what happened, will be included in a police report.

Not obtaining witness contact details

Until they leave the site, try to speak with any eyewitnesses and get their contact information. Don’t bother getting formal statements from them; your lawyer will take care of it.

Evidence that the dog was not provoked or you were trespassing may be difficult to come by if eyewitness evidence is not obtained. The testimony of a person who saw the crime might help safeguard you against insurance companies’ attempts to undermine your case.

Refusing to Seek Medical Help Right Away

Even though the damage seems small at first, it is critical that you get medical assistance since your wound might become infected and you must be treated for rabies if the dog’s vaccination record is unknown.

Documenting Your Injuries and Financial Costs Is Not Enough (Damages)

Because of this, it will be incredibly difficult to collect fair compensation if you do not record your injuries and losses. The more information you supply, the less likely it is that your claim will be contested. In order to provide the court an accurate picture of your injuries and financial expenditures, consider the following suggestions:

Take pictures of whatever you see

Photographs are an excellent approach to demonstrate the extent of your injuries as a result of the dog attack on you. Take as many images of your injuries as possible after the assault and when you visit the hospital in order to preserve a photographic record.

Preserve Copies of Your Health Records

Medical records may serve as a permanent record of your treatment and prognosis if you want to keep them. Medical bills and receipts should also be kept in case of an insurance claim. In the same way, you should save all of your medical records related to dog bites and their treatment.

Not Keeping a Pain Journal in Favor of Relying on Memories

Doing so can help you keep track of how you’re dealing with the aftermath of the assault and how you’re dealing with the legal process, which may take months or more to resolve. Describe the discomfort you’re feeling and the effect the assault has had on your overall health and well-being.

Filing a Damages Claim without Consulting a Knowledgeable Dog Bite Attorney

An expert dog bite lawyer may make or break your chances of receiving fair recompense for your injuries. It is quite probable that the insurance companies and dog owners will confer with lawyers to protect themselves and to minimize your compensation. Rather than waiting until after you’ve learned about all of your alternatives, you can anticipate insurance providers to want to reach a settlement as quickly as they can.

Final thoughts

When a dog bites, the wounds and scars may last a lifetime. Dog bites, especially to the face, may result in serious injuries that need costly reconstructive surgery. People who have been bitten by dogs are also likely to endure mental distress and acquire a dread of dogs, particularly those that are little. The majority of dog bites occur when children are involved, and the injuries may have a lasting influence on your child’s life. It is common for dog bites to cause significant and long-term damage.