What is Container Gardening?

What is Container Gardening

Container gardening, or also known as pot gardening, is a way of growing plants and other vegetables in containers instead of planting them directly in the ground. Container gardening usually requires small, enclosed spaces, and it uses portable objects such as pots and boxes to be the home of the plants or … Read more

Tips for Success With Container Gardening

Tips for Success With Container Gardening

While container gardening seems easy to look at, it actually entails a lot of challenges. You may quickly sow a plant in a container, but the real task is ensuring that it thrives. Unlike in an in-ground garden, confining a plant in a tiny space limits its roots’ capability to wander and … Read more

What is a Broadcast Spreader?

What is a Broadcast Spreader

Gone are the days when applying fertilizer, seeds, or granular products on a lawn means manual work. With the ceaseless advancement of technology, many sophisticated agricultural tools have sprouted across the past years to help farmers and gardeners do their tasks more efficiently.  One of these types of incredible machinery is the … Read more

What Materials Are Needed to Build a Container Garden?

What Materials Are Needed to Build a Container Garden

Building your own container garden is a great way to boost your creativity and relieve stress. After a long week at work, going home to see your well-maintained container garden gives you a soothing and relaxing feeling. It also gives you a sense of achievement every time you see your plants looking … Read more

Benefits of Container Gardening When Living in a Tiny Home

Benefits of Container Gardening When Living in a Tiny Home

Do you feel that city life restricts you from your passion for gardening? Living in an apartment in the city should not rob you of the soothing experience of gardening. The same goes for when you have opted to live in a tiny home adhering to minimalism or when you like to … Read more

How Big Should Your Plant Pots be for Container Gardening?


Container gardening is a fantastic way to bring fresh, vibrant plants into your home, regardless of your available space or outdoor area. This way, not having enough backyard or lawn space is not a reason not to grow a lovely garden. One of the most important aspects of container gardening is choosing … Read more

Ultimate Guide to Container Gardening

Gardening is a great activity for many people. Some people love to create a garden for decoration, while others plant herbs and vegetables that can be used for cooking. However, for those who have limited space at home, it can be quite challenging to create a garden. But that does not mean … Read more