Steps to Take For Your Flea-Infested Pets

When a pet gets infested with fleas, their owner naturally gets worried about them. Not only are the fleas uncomfortable and unhealthy for the pets, but they might quickly transfer from one pet to another, and from the pets to the house. Fleas are one of the most common reasons why you should learn DIY pest control; they could happen at any time and spread like wildfire before you know it. Below are some steps you should take as soon as possible if you see any signs of a flea infestation in your pets. And to learn how to get rid of lice on cats, read this official source.

Make A Flea Spray

You can make your own flea spray by using the right essential oils. These include eucalyptus, tea tree, rosary, peppermint, and citronella. Some dogs might not mind it if you spray them with a mixture of essential oils; others might be hesitant of the spraying method. You may want to go for a topical application with the latter.

There’s no need to use all the essential oils mentioned above. Choose one and dilute it, using only a few drops in a spray bottle filled with water. The dilution is important, as some of these oils, especially tea tree oil, can be toxic for pets in their undiluted form. Even after diluting, consult your vet before spraying.

Another spray combination is apple cider vinegar and salt. The vinegar will balance the pet’s pH levels, which makes their body an unsustainable environment for fleas. The ratio here is 6 cups of apple cider vinegar and 5 cups of water with a bit of sea salt. This is a large amount, but it should be enough to cover the pet’s whole coat. Spray this mixture directly on the coat and repeat daily until you’re satisfied that the fleas are gone.

A dog sleeping on a bed

Giving A Flea Bath

Like the spray, there are several kinds of flea baths that you can give your affected pet. You can start by giving them a simple lemon bath, which will help to free your pet of fleas. All you have to do is take a half cup of fresh lemon juice and add it to a couple of cups of water. Add some pet-friendly shampoo or soap; then use the mixture to wash your pet. This method might be more suited to dogs than cats or any other furry domestic animal.

One simple way to make sure you get rid of your pet’s fleas is to get a bathing product that lathers up. Such items will instantly kill off any fleas that might be on the pet’s body. There are organic options that do produce a lather without any synthetic chemicals, so look around for those before anything else.

Once you lather up the pet, leave the product in for about two minutes. It will hopefully do the required job and leave you free to treat other possible affected areas. Believe it or not, this is possible without the use of pesticides!

Your flea-free goal might also be obtained by switching out the soap or shampoo your pet uses. Organic peppermint or rose soaps are known for driving away those pesky fleas and making sure they stay away for good.

Applying Oil

Some dogs and other small furry creatures (rabbits, cats, etc.), might not take kindly to being lathered up and rinsed off with a lot of water. For these timid pets, you can focus on using natural insect repellents such as neem oil. Simply apply it on the coat and let things be for a whole.

If you can’t get the pure organic neem oil, good old coconut oil is a great option as well. Try rubbing a teaspoon of this into your pet’s coat. This will repel any fleas and also help to keep that fur shiny. Plus, it will help in reducing your pet’s body odor.

Put On A Flea Collar

A flea collar can be a great way to ensure that your pet doesn’t catch any fleas while they’re outdoors. It can also come in handy if the animal already has a case of fleas. You can go the natural way by making your own flea collar at home.

For this, make a collar for them or use any regular collar you have lying around. Dilute some drops of cedar or lavender oil in some water. Apply this mixture to the collar for a natural and convenient flea solution.


There are flea combs available at pet stores that can be a great way to treat your pet’s fleas and also bond with them. You can enhance the efficacy of the comb by first flipping it in some freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Just the combing action in itself is an effective means of treating and preventing fleas. A proper flea comb has a design that will remove both the fleas as well as their eggs. Make sure you comb both the affected pet and any other domestic animals. However, wash the comb before you use it to brush another pet’s coat.

For a more lasting effect, make a sachet to hang on the collar. Take some breathable fabric like muslin and take some dried lavender buds, cedar chips, and lemon peel. Tie these up in a bag made out of the fabric; it should be small enough to attach to the collar. You may have to replace the sachet every month, but it’s better than continuously spraying the collar several times a day.


Since fleas can lay eggs in carpet, furniture, and just about every corner of the house, you first need to take care of the infestations in your pets. While your vet might be able to guide you about the best way forward, try to go for the more natural methods first. This will probably be better for the planet and may also save you from many unwanted side effects. If you do decide to use all-natural ingredients for treating fleas on your pet, though, make sure both the humans and animals in your home aren’t allergic to the substances.