Persimmon Fruit-a Unique Taste in Your Home

To prepare dinner or any other meal for a loved one, we always want them to be full. Not as full as having a bloated stomach, no, not that kind of full. You want them to eat a hearty meal, a meal that would satisfy their palates, a meal that would bring them comfort, and a meal that would tell them that, indeed, they are home. In preparing your meal, you can never forget your appetizers, the main dish, and, of course, desserts. How to achieve all of that without spending too much money and at the same time produce a healthy and hearty meal? Be self-sufficient.

Prepare your meals with ingredients you grow at your very own home. Start your road to self-sufficiency by having it a try with Persimmons.

Why start with Persimmons, you ask? Persimmons are easy to grow; aside from them liking the warm climate, it is not really particular with its growing conditions. To add some more reasons why choose Persimmons, you can use Persimmons as the main ingredient in your dish or use it to spice up the flavor. This fruit can be used in your appetizers, your main dishes, and even desserts. You can use Persimmons in your salads, roast your pork with it to add some flavor, make a pudding out of it, a cake, and even sorbet. There are many recipes to choose from; see 12 Persimmon Recipes by Anna Kovel (2019) and 15 Beautiful Persimmon Desserts by Rosie Hatch (2016). Apart from the fruit’s taste, it is also a sight to see with its heart-shaped orange fruit hanging from its branch like a Christmas ornament. The Persimmon is called the “fruit of heaven” for a reason.

Planting this fruit will also make your garden unique due to the limited stocks of seeds in the market. When ripe, its fruit is easily damaged; that’s why it is difficult to ship overseas and one reason why the stocks are limited in the market. So, if you want to have Persimmons in your backyard and your kitchen, plant your own.

Many online shops sell the fruit’s seeds, but due to its limited stocks, it easily gets sold out or being sold at an expensive rate but still within your price range. Seeds are being sold for $5.89 to $34.23. On the other hand, the fruit is $1.27 per kilogram; this is, according to Tridge. Seedlings and trees are also being sold, and prices vary depending on the variety and size. Seedlings of sizes 1 – 2 feet are being sold for $5.95 – $19.95, and a full-grown tree, which is about 6 – 7 feet, is sold at $44.95 – $79.95.

a persimmon fruit in a persimmon tree

If you have decided to start planting from seeds, you may follow these steps to grow your Persimmons:

Persimmon seeds need proper moist chilling to help them germinate. If you are located in an area with a temperate climate, wrap the seeds in a tissue paper and mist it. Wet the tissue just enough to moisten it and make sure it does not break. Put the seed wrapped in tissue in a plastic container or even glass as long as you put holes in them. After, put the container in the refrigerator for at least 3 months for the seeds to germinate. Check the tissue paper and make sure it’s moist; mist it again if it dries.

Once the seeds form a top root, transfer the seeds to a long container. Make sure to place one seed per container. After transferring the seeds, make sure that the temperature does not go below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, if it does try to heat the container but no direct sunlight just yet. Keep your seedlings outdoors, and once it gets used to the heat, about a week or 2, slowly expose them to sunlight until it gets used to it.

Watering the Persimmon seeds is simple. Water them until the soil is moist, and do not drown the seeds. Water them again only if it becomes completely dry. This is done to keep the roots healthy.

If you have decided to grow your Persimmons from seedlings, start from here:

If you wish for your Persimmon to not outgrow your house, choose a container that is not too wide for the seedling to grow into. If you wish to plant it in the backyard, choose a planting site with at least 20 square feet of space per persimmon tree to provide enough room for their mature spread. This plant is not particular with any soil type, but it sure detests areas close to the coasts. They require little care, but it will take some time before it bears fruit.