How Do I Protect my Door From Burglars?

In a perfectly safe world, we can get away with not locking our doors and still sleep soundly through the night. However, most of the time, the opposite is true.

There are tons of horror stories that occurred simply because people left their doors unlocked or failed to keep their entryways as secured as they should be — even with the most secure door locks.

You might think, “If my door can’t keep my family and me safe from potential intruders, what does?”

There are ways you can fortify your doors without spending too much money before you go into a worry spiral.

In this article, we list our top 10 tips to protect your doors from potential offenders.

Ready to begin? Let’s go!

Tip #1: Install deadbolts

A deadbolt is a secured locking mechanism made out of solid metal that can only be opened by a handle or key. It offers a more resistant option to keep doors more secure from forced entry.

Opt for an exit-only deadbolt that has heavy locks which extend into the opening of the door jamb. Exit-only deadbolts can only be opened and closed from the inside of the home, ensuring that potential burglars have no access to them.

Also, go for a deadbolt with an additional metal strike plate to increase your level of security.

Tip #2: Replace or reinforce low-quality or old locks

With time, even the strongest locks can become susceptible to wear and tear or elemental damage.

Make sure to replace old rusty locks with new ones or reinforce them with additional barriers to entry, such as the deadbolts mentioned in #1.

Tip #3: Regularly evaluate your doors’ integrity

Whether you live in an old or new house, it’s always wise to check how your door holds up when it comes to scenarios where people are trying to break in.

There are cases where contractors and homeowners use flimsy doors to stay within budget. In other cases, some house doors are just so old that they often crumble under pressure.

So, ask yourself: How strong are my doors at baseline? Are my locks easily bypassed? Can it withstand the force of a strong intruder?

Tip #4: Opt for doors with no windows

To build on #3, go for doors made out of solid wood or those reinforced with steel.

Doors with decorative windows may look pretty and may help you see what is happening or who is on the other side. But if you live in a high-crime area, it’s not going to do you any good.

Glass, even-tempered ones, are susceptible to breaking with enough force. The goal is to eliminate all weak points to get the highest level of safety and security.

Tip #5: Install peepholes instead

To build on #4, instead of a window, install a peephole on your doors instead.

This achieves the purpose of having a clear vision of who and what’s happening on the other side while keeping your door’s integrity intact.

Tip #6: Don’t leave keys under plant pots or other areas outsiders can access

It’s a common practice to leave an extra key hidden near the front or back door in case people forget their main house keys. But this practice is very dangerous and, therefore, should have been retired a long time ago.

All the effort you’ve put in when it comes to protecting your doors will be in vain if you keep this up. You can’t underestimate potential offenders these days, especially with how prevalent the practice of leaving extra keys is.

All burglars really need to do is to check these common places or watch you do it when you think no one’s looking, et voila — instant entry!

Tip #7: Install an alarm system

Reliable alarm systems can serve as deterrents for burglars from the get-go. Apart from serving their purpose of alerting homeowners when people are trying to break in when potential intruders see your alarm system, they will most likely pass on your door completely.

Tip #8: Install motion-triggered lights around your property

The last thing burglars want is for people to see what they’re up to. Installing motion-sensor lights around your vicinity can make them second-guess targeting your home entirely.

And if they still pursue your home, you can easily catch them in the act — wherever part of your house they may be.

Tip #9: Remove or trim large bushes and hedges

The shrubbery near your door may serve as a great hiding spot for intruders.

Increase your safety and security by eliminating any spots that offenders can hide in while maintaining a clear vision of your home’s outside surroundings.

Tip #10: Consider other points of entry

It’s not enough to have secured doors when the rest of your home’s entryways are not as robust.

Check windows, cellars, pet doors, and other points of entry and see what you can do to increase security.

And there you have it — our top 10 tips on protecting your door from burglars!

We hope these tips were helpful in keeping your home safe and your mind at peace.

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