House Mold Removal Solutions

Baking Soda

To remove fungus and mildew, you can use a mixture of two cups of water and a half-tablespoon of baking soda. The solution should be mixed well and sprayed onto the affected area. When the solution has dried, you can rinse the affected surface with water to remove any remaining baking soda.

A vinegar solution can also be used to remove the mold and prevent it from coming back. If you don’t have a spray bottle, you can mix baking soda with water and use it on a cloth. A baking soda solution is an excellent DIY solution for fungus removal. Simply mix two cups of baking soda with two cups of water and spray it over the affected area.

The solution will leave a protective layer on the affected area and will continue to deodorize. This solution should be used on a small area only to eliminate odors. However, it is not suitable for larger areas like the kitchen or bathroom. It may clog sprayer nozzles. If you have a bathroom with a leaky faucet, you can try mixing baking soda with water.

It will kill the fungus on a small area and prevent it from coming back. However, you must also solve the source of moisture to get rid of it. In a home or building, there are a number of effective DIY fungus removal solutions that can be used for remediation.

However, these methods can only fix minor problems and anything elevated should be taken care of by professionals using EPA approved chemicals found by clicking here. These natural products are widely available and include vinegar, citrus seed extract, and borax. Read on for details and to find out how to apply them to your mold problem.



If you’ve ever heard of using vinegar for mold removal, you may have been reluctant to try it. But you’re about to find out how effective this home remedy is. If you’re allergic to bleach or fungus, you might want to try this hack instead. Vinegar contains bleaching agents, and they can cause toxic fumes.

And if you don’t have any of these substances in your home, you can use baking soda with water to kill fungus. White vinegar is an effective cleaner that you can use to fight mold. It is made by fermenting rectified spirits, which encourages bacterial fermentation. It contains about four percent acetic acid and ninety-six percent water.

This type of vinegar has several uses, including eliminating mold. To use it as a fungus removal tool, mix a cup of it with a bucket of water and saturate the affected areas. If you don’t want to use water, you can also mix baking soda with vinegar and scrub the affected area thoroughly.

The white vinegar is best for mild fungus removal. For anything more intense, you may need the professional help of a certified mold removal company. These chemicals may be safe to use in the home, and the odor of vinegar will dissipate within a few hours. Vinegar can be found anywhere and can exterminate up to three-quarters of all types of it.

Citrus Seed Extract

Citrus Seed Extract

Another popular way to combat mold growth is to use grapefruit seed extract. This all-natural solution contains citric acid, which is a fungicide. It can effectively clean up a fungus area and doesn’t produce an unpleasant odor. Another natural option is tea tree oil, but this plant is slightly more common but can be toxic to humans.

Citrus seed extract is a good option because it is odorless and doesn’t contain any toxic chemicals. It is also effective against eczema, a common skin disorder that is often associated with digestive problems. It was found to be effective for atopic eczema patients suffering from intestinal dysbiosis, a microbial imbalance in the digestive tract.

In addition to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, it was also found to be non-toxic and non-irritant. Besides being non-toxic and environmentally friendly, grapefruit seed extract is also an effective way to kill mold. It is available at most health food stores, is inexpensive and does not produce any toxic residue. It also has minimal odor compared to tea tree oil, which can linger for days.

Another advantage of grapefruit seed extract is that it can be used internally or externally. Regardless of the way it’s applied, it’s important to wear gloves and safety glasses. Tea tree oil, also known as Melaleuca alternifolia, is another effective natural antifungal solution. It is relatively inexpensive, but does have drawbacks.

Tea tree oil is a powerful fungicide that can effectively kill a variety of fungi. Its smell may be unpleasant, but it will quickly dissipate after a few days. Another effective natural solution for fungus is grapefruit seed extract.



Unlike bleach, borax is a very effective fungus-removal solution. This substance is widely available and can be bought at any grocery store. To be safe, however, you should try a small patch first to be sure that it won’t harm your surfaces.

Borax is also a great choice for a light-weight infestation. Remember to think about lung health when cleaning molds and fungus by reading the Mayo Clinic’s website on the subject. Borax is a great solution for cleaning damp or dark areas. Borax comes in powder form, so you can purchase it at your local grocery store or even buy it on the internet.

To use borax for mold removal, simply mix a cup of borax with water in a gallon container. Once the solution is ready, you can wipe the moldy surface with it. Make sure to wear gloves and scrub the area thoroughly with a cleaning pad before leaving it alone.

A good borax solution can kill fungus, mildew, and odors on many surfaces, including walls and windows. Its high alkaline pH level means that it can effectively remove fungus on a variety of surfaces without damaging them. Borax should also disinfect surfaces and kill any bacteria that may be present. You can then rinse the area with distilled water.